Lisa Fernandes Shares Her Thoughts on Bloggers

FUCK YOU, bloggers! Doing much to dispel her reputation as a pugnacious uber-bitch in search of a simple congratulations, Top Chef’s Lisa Fernandes tells the The New York Daily News that “No matter what the blogs say about me not taking into consideration about what the judges tell me, or that I don’t respond well …

Top Eight Most Shocking 'Top Chef' Ousters EVER

Well, hello. Top Chef wraps up its solid fourth season tonight, which means that by the end of the evening, one of the three remaining “cheftestants” will be walking home with the proverbial gold medal. By most accounts, it’s a tight race between the affable Richard (he of the oft-maligned faux-hawk, the dorky puns, and …

Brody Jenner Needs New Friend to Fill The Spencer Void

Now an update from the ever evolving world of reality whoredom: Brody Jenner will be hosting a reality show to find a new member of his entourage. Not sure who has standards low enough to compete for such a staggering prize, but MTV plans to air it all, from the homoerotic courting rituals to the …

Reality TV Destroys Careers, Even For People On 'The Hills'

IT’S SO SAD! Jessica Trent. Gavin Beasley. Elodie Otto. These are the brave souls who selflessly shared their blanks stares, their disapproving glances, and their penchant for Baked Salmon rolls all so we could enjoy that much more of The Hills. And what have they gotten in return? NOTHING. That’s right, ever since landing primo …

Tyra Banks: A Veritable Mosaic of Emotion

Behold the Tyra Banks school of facial dexterity. You can just barely hear her scolding an ingenue for doing “this” [goofy smile, fluttering eyelids] and not “this” [pursed lips, narrow eyes]. To Tyra’s credit though, only she could pull off this silly collection of smiles with such a gigantic mane of hair. For more insights …