BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: There's Not Enough Room For Both of Them…

We’re gettin’ down to the wire on Big Brother, and with Jerry’s Head of Household victory, the rest of the house has fallen into mild turmoil. Memphis has wisely made deals with everyone to get to the final two, which is pretty smart — assuming no one rats him out. Unfortunately for us fans of …

B-Side Blog Notches a Minor Victory in the World of Google

Click for larger view / PROOF. It gives me great honor to announce that B-Side Blog is now the top result for the Google search terms, “big brother sex.” That’s right: out of over one million possible options, I’m #1 in the ENTIRE WORLD, nay, GALAXY, nay, UNIVERSE! Huzzah! I always knew my blog would …

HILLS RECAP: Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

Apologies on the tardiness of my recap. It was a long weekend, and as such, my entire writing schedule got a bit messed up. Yes, I took it slow on Labor Day, which was somewhat appropriate given the rather languid pace of this latest installment of The Hills. Granted, it would be hard to top …

GOSSIP GIRL: The Good, The Bad, and the Vitamin Water

Gossip Girl triumphantly returned for its second season last night, and the overall feeling I experienced was generally positive with some light disappointment mixed in. After all, an episode set almost entirely in the Hamptons seemed to offer so much potential, but instead, it was merely OK. But even an okay Gossip Girl episode is …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Time Zones, They Are A Changin'!

Sunday’s episode of Big Brother was fairly tame, especially now that all warring factions of the house have been excised. With just five people left, the remaining house guests seemed intent on only one goal: ousting Jerry. Unfortunately for them, he won Head of Household after physics, karma, and cosmic justice conspired to screw Dan …

BEEP BEEP!!! Jerry Falls In The Pool!

I love slapstick, especially when it involves old people falling over. That’s where Jerry from Big Brother 10 comes into play. Earlier today, he fell into the backyard pool when trying to read a banner overhead. Don’t worry — he was fine. My pants after I pissed them? Not so much. (Don’t worry, I didn’t …

Liveblogging Obama's Speech – Updated!

“I’m OUT OF THIS WORLD!” Tonight, I tried to do my civic duty by tuning into Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Unfortunately, about five minutes into it, he referenced the seminal ’70s television show, Eight is Enough, and that just totally distracted me. The rest of the time I couldn’t help but …

LIKE OMG! Partial 'Gossip Girl' Script Leaked to the Internets!

Tri-Delt and Psi-U, here they come! SPOTTED: white hot television show’s script floating around the Internets! It’s inevitable that a show about leaking things to the blogosphere would itself get leaked to the blogosphere. Case in point: a few pages from an upcoming Gossip Girl episode have surfaced over at Gawker. They don’t reveal much, …

Keesha From 'Big Brother' Screams, Bares Breasts

And the award for Best Supporting Actress in a straight-to-DVD horror film goes to… Keesha Smith from Big Brother 10. In this clip, we see Keesha’s star-making turn in the gripping feature, FEAR CHAMBER (the caps are mine, not theirs). She doesn’t do much beyond scream (clearly not a stretch for her), but she does …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Puzzling Developments in the 'Big Brother' Galaxy

As anyone who follows the Big Brother feeds knows, Tuesday’s episode was the calm before the storm. Thanks to Dan, who bizarrely tried to create chaos with his Veto Roulette (or whatever he called it), the entire house is now poised for a meltdown. Whether it works in Dan’s favor may be another issue. I …