I Guess Now Would Be A Good Time To Talk About 'Gossip Girl.'

“I’m mad!”“So am I!” I’m very happy to report that Gossip Girl got back on strong footing this week. The past several episodes have been fun, but definitely flimsy, thanks to a tedious Jenny storyline, not to mention a hapless Nate who’s spent much of the season arbitrarily pining after various women. I did like …

Like OMG! Worst Night Ever!!!

Let’s take a trip back in time. On May 21, 2008 — six months ago to the day — David Cook pulled an upset win over David Archuleta on American Idol and simultaneously broke the hearts of adolescent girls nationwide. Many of us were lucky to be far, far away from any roving tweens, and as …

Operation 'Meet Ina Garten' a GOOD and Rousing Success!

Sometime last week, while I was procrastinating from my writing, I came across a fateful piece of information: Ina Garten, star of The Barefoot Contessa, would be doing a book signing here in the Los Angeles. In general, I’m not much of a book signing person, but I knew I this was one event I …


The Real Housewives of Atlanta came to an awkward, confrontation-infused end last night, and while there weren’t too many explosive moments, I think Lisa’s well-intentioned but supremely uncomfortable dinner at the end truly made for some cringe-worthy television. Kim, looking more like a drag-queen-cum-blowup-doll with her bright lipstick smeared around her pie-hole, could barely defend …

HILLS RECAP: Whitney Takes A Bite Out of the Big Apple And Whatnot

Well, for the umpteenth episode in a row, poor Lauren Conrad has taken a backseat on her own show as a supporting character — this time Whitney — anchored the main story line. The good news was that we got a break from the endless Audrina / Justin Bobby drama. The bad news is that we …