BROMANCE PHOTOCAP: Sensual Seduction

Bromance continues to entertain, and while only one guy cried this week (down from about eight last week), there was still plenty to enjoy. Homoeroticism still ran amuck, as evidenced by the screenshot above which features Frankie and Sleazy T checking Brody out in the shower. Granted, that scene felt incredibly staged, but it wasn’t …

HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Horses & Bitches Edition

So who else finished last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County with a whole new set of wrinkles due to sixty straight minutes of cringing? Man, I thought last week was bad with the dinner from hell (“CUT!”), but this latest trip to the Del Mar race track brought awkwardness to awful …

BROMANCE PHOTOCAP: Takin' What Brody's Givin'

“You like that, Chris? You like it?”“MORE! MORE!” Bromance continues to be a surprisingly hilarious and entertaining hour — a perfect way to kick off Monday night television (at least on the West coast where it airs at 6 PM on Directv, followed by The City and then Gossip Girl. Like omg, best progression evah!). Anyway, …

BEST OF 2008: Television Edition

2008 was a curious year for television, what with the writers strike and all. Seasons got messed up, late night shows went without comedy, and CBS aired a bonus edition of Big Brother — which sadly was universally loathed by pretty much everyone but me. That’s okay though. I don’t mind being a maverick when …

Turn The Lights Down, It's Time To Get Bromantic

Christmas came late this year as MTV launched two must-see shows Monday night: The City (more on that in another post) and Bromance — the latter show being so awful and full of unbridled homoerotic preening that it just can’t be missed. To be honest, I wasn’t going to watch much of Bromance. I thought …

Happy Holidays! (And Happy Birthday… TO ME)

Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you all enjoy the above video which re-imagines Frosty The Snowman as Don Draper. I won’t say that I’m off until after New Years, but I may not be posting regularly. Still feel free to check back though because I most certainly will be posting things here and there, if …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: Holiday Spirit — It's a Good Thing

Last night’s Christmas-themed Top Chef was all sorts of fun. Unfortunately, it kind of peaked after the Quick Fire Challenge with the exit of Martha Stewart as guest judge. Proving to be as austere and unforgiving as ever, Martha was a delight to watch. Dishes she enjoyed were met with warm anecdotes of diving for …

And The Winner Is…

Just under eight weeks ago, as part of a Hills promotional tie-in, I posted a contest imploring people to state their worthiness to win $25 of free Sonic fast food. I really didn’t expect much of a response, but I must have vastly overlooked the draw of free food and perhaps underestimated the quality of …