HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Kelly Bensimon Is Still An Idiot

Oh Kelly, Kelly, Kelly. They don’t get much denser than you now, do they? On last night’s penultimate episode of the Real Housewives of New York City, we once again got a delightful smattering of Lady Bensimon idiocy, starting with her inability to grasp simple metaphors and ending with her bizarre refusal to acknowledge any …

Dumb Bitch Is Back and Angrier Than Ever!

Last time when this dumb bitch wrote me an angry email, I got pissed and told her to go away. I also happened to have been very hungry at the time and prone to crankiness. Today comes a new entry in psycho-ville. I think it’s clear she didn’t read my previous scourge against her, which …

HILLS RECAP: Audrina Puts The Ho in Ho-waii!

If it’s smelling particularly floral around this blog of late, that’s because I just took a vicarious trip to Hawaii with the likes of LC, Brody, Audrina, and a whole host of transmittable diseases, courtesy of The Hills. Yes, it was time for The Brodester and his posse of lickspittles to embark on their bros-only …

AMAZING RACE RECAP: Foot Massages and Water Sports

Anyone who blocked out a few hours of time last night to watch The Amazing Race and The Celebrity Apprentice were thoroughly rewarded with a boatload of drama, comedy, and generally fun times. Plus, we got two cliffhangers that both made me want to go run screaming through the streets had I not already locked …

Bethenny and Kelly Go At It Again

It’s a bit overcast and gloomy here in Los Angeles today, but I’m feeling quite sunny as I know tomorrow brings a second battle between Kelly Bensimon and Bethenny Frankel on The Real Housewives of New York City. In the above clip, we get a brief preview of their fight, and needless to say, it’s …