ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: A Barefoot Contessa Potluck Thanksgiving!

Next week, most Americans will be gathered around a table of some sort to celebrate Thanksgiving, and by “celebrate,” I mean stuff their faces until a button or four pops off any variety of shirt, pants, blouse, or skort. And when it comes to gut-busting food, no one does it better than Ina Garten. That’s …


The stakes for last night’s Top Chef: Las Vegas episode were so high, it’s hard to imagine the casting directors ever seriously thought half the contestants this season could ever viably compete in it. In what proved to be one of the most imposing challenges ever, the cheftestants had to participate in a scaled down …

THE CITY PHOTOCAP: Whit-Whit Goes on a BD with a DB

It’s Wednesday afternoon, which means it’s time for me to once again praise the TV gods for delivering me yet another delightful episode of The City. This show is fast becoming one of my favorites of the year, and I’m not ashamed to say so. The mix of simmering female tensions, career ambitions, and late …

HILLS PHOTOCAP: Baby, Baby, She's Taken With The Notion…

From the moment we saw the triumphant return of Dr. JORDANA MANSBACHER on last night’s episode of The Hills, I knew we’d be in for a treat. It’s not to say the episode was anything wonderful, but it certainly was hilarious. I guess we can thank the twin psychos of Heidi and Jayde for keeping …

GOSSIP GIRL RECAP: xoxo, Gagassip Girl

There have been many strange Gossip Girl episodes, but probably none as bizarre as last night’s installment, which somehow hinged on a combination of cabaret, Lady Gaga, Snow White, and, of course, a threesome. None of it really should have made sense, and I’m not saying that it really did, but the end product was …

HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Keeping Abreast of the Orange County Ladies

While I was away in New York, a marvelous thing happened: the new season of The Real Housewives of Orange County premiered, and just in time, too. No disrespect to Nene, Kim, Sherayay et. al, but the Atlanta crew was getting seriously stale by the end of the season. Somewhere at the halfway point, the …

SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Pulled The Buff Right Over Their Eyes!

Oh man. Survivor has been so good lately. Don’t get me wrong — I’ve LOVED this season as a whole, but now that the two tribes have merged, the individual game has kicked into overdrive, which means there’s more scheming, tricks, and shenanigans than ever before. Last week’s ep, which I didn’t write about since …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: Bathrobes, Breakfast, and One Awful Soup

Top Chef returned last night after a one week hiatus, and I’m happy to report that it was well worth the wait. Both the Quickfire and the Elimination challenges were highly entertaining, and even if Gail was absent, there was much to enjoy. First off, we had Padma eating breakfast in bed, bathrobe and all. …

THE CITY PHOTOCAP: Miami Social Club

In case you haven’t noticed, there have been no updates on this site for the past week. That’s because I had to go back to New York for a family thing. Now I’m en route back to Los Angeles, and what better way to return to blogging than by turning to last night’s episode of …

Burning Questions About 'Gossip Girl.'

It’s been a few weeks; so I thought I’d check back in on Gossip Girl, my favorite nighttime soap, which continues to be silly fun, even if the storylines this season have veered into ridiculous territory. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: the show works best when the leads are engaging in …