'Kell On Earth Preview' Has Me Excited

Is anyone else as excited about Kell on Earth as I am? The new Bravo show will document the life and glory of Kelly Cutrone, fashion PR / power bitch extraordinaire. Kelly, who was first perceived as the awful She-Krakken of The Hills, has slowly become the unsung hero of not only that show but …


I gotta admit that Jersey Shore has grown on me immensely. At first, I didn’t really love it. The entire show felt like a low-rate version of The Real World, what with its shoddy production values and flashy visual flourishes (ie. fake film “noise” on screen). However, Jersey Shore has come a long way, baby, …

Great Moments In Failed Flirtations

Last night my friend Meeshie sent me an email directing me to the Facebook fan page for Dave Ball, the Survivor: Samoa contestant who we last saw bearing his chest for one lucky lady. Why? Well, it looks like Dave tried to flirt with one fan, but.. well… take a look at the following exchange: …

Worst Taboo Players Of All Time

I sincerely love the notion that Jimmy Fallon is willing to play Taboo on his late night show. However, as much as I’m a fan of this, I must admit that watching the execution is utterly painful — and not just because Michael Cera’s marigold hairstyle is so distracting. These people are just terrible at …

What Cablevision Customers Are Missing on the Food Network

As many people in the New York tri-state region have come to discover, Cablevision has dropped the Food Network and HGTV from its cable lineup in the wake of a contract feud with the channels’ parent company Scripps. This means that for the past week or so, consumers have been left with no Ina, no …

Bethenny Frankel Shows Off Baby Bump, Recipes on 'Today Show'

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy The New Year brings many new things, and one such gift will be The Real Housewives of New York City. I don’t know when it’s gonna premiere, but I’m already excited for it. In fact, I ran into a friend of mine two …

SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Million Dollar Baby

If you haven’t seen last night’s epic two hour Survivor: Samoa finale (followed by the always too-short reunion), then you best turn away from this post right now. In fact, you should just walk away from your computer because chances are it’s gonna be ruined for you either here or on Facebook or on Twitter …

Help Dr. Mick Trimming Win $100k

Tonight is the big finale for the wonderful Surivor: Samoa season, and along with learning who will take home the million dollar cash prize, we’ll also discover who is the fan favorite. The winner of that poll will take home a cool $100,000, and while I don’t usually pay attention to these contests, this time …