My Day In The Big Brother House

Last year, I got to live the dream. I spent a day in the Big Brother house and loved every single second of it. The entire experience was like a reality TV fanboy fantasy come to life. At last I could realize what it felt to walk through that famous front door. I could gaze …

BABY-BOT HAS ARRIVED: Julie Chen Gives Birth!

Magnificent news from the world of reality TV and robots: CBS head honcho Les Moonves and his wife Julie Chen, our favorite hostess on television, welcomed a baby boy into the world this morning! According to the Hollywood Reporter, the Chenbot gave birth to wee Charlie Moonves at 9:40 AM this morning in what was …

Catching Up With Allison Grodner, Executive Producer of 'Big Brother'

All summer long, The Wrap journalist Josef Adalian (or Joey ‘Dals, as I am wont to call him) has been interviewing Big Brother executive producer Allison Grodner after every eviction. She often provides interesting tidbits about the previous week and little teasers about what’s to come. Well, the season is over now; so Mr. Adalian …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: A Happy Ending After All

Here’s a shocker: this season of Big Brother, which looked like it was gonna wind up with a miserable outcome, suddenly beat the odds and gave us a fan favorite as the victor. That’s right, Jordan brought her A-game to last night’s finale, winning not just the final HOH, but the whole damn show. The …


Well, we’re at the end of the Big Brother season. Tonight marks the two hour finale where hopefully Natalie will be deprived of $500,000 (perhaps even the runner-up $50,000 prize) and be confronted with all her lies and awfulness. Sadly though, this is Big Brother, and such lofty dreams rarely come true. Nevertheless, it was …

QUESTION FOR THE MASSES: Who Is The Worst 'Big Brother' House Guest of All Time?

It seems as though every season, Big Brother produces a villain (or three) so vile and loathsome, viewers can’t help but be consumed with frustration every time he or she appears on screen. Whether they’re spouting hateful language, indulging in self-pity, preening with self-righteousness, engaging in character assassination, or simply being awful, these people are …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The One Where The Season Goes To Shit

Oh, the cruel fates of Big Brother. Not only did we see the lovable but dense Jeff exit the house last week, but we also had to endure the horrendous reign of Natalie (known alternatively as Gnat or NataLIE) in the house. This meant that for two episodes, we were exposed to her high-pitch, nails-on-a-chalkboard …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Battle of the Space Cadets

Okay, I’m not gonna write a whole big thing today about Big Brother except to say that it looks like Jeff’s hours are numbered, and Natalie is getting entirely too close to the big prize for it to be cool. The bratty girl has been getting on my every last nerve, and for those of …