Dinner at Cafe Pinot Proves To Be Delightful Affair

Recently I was invited to a free dinner at Cafe Pinot in downtown LA, and naturally, I all but jumped at the opportunity as there is little that can get between me and free food. I’d never been to Cafe Pinot, and much to my pleasure, I found that it bordered on a lovely court …

Revisiting The Best Donut In Los Angeles; Also, A Cookie Backfire

Not too long ago, I made a bold proclamation. I labeled the glazed buttermilk donut at Tasty Donuts the BEST DONUT IN LOS ANGELES. I was met with resistance from many, especially those who suggested that I may have upset the entire food blogging community by not kowtowing to what is widely accepted as the …

And Now A Disgusting Turn of Events

I haven’t registered a formal blog complaint about personal hygiene in quite some time, perhaps not since my unfortunate series of gym horror stories in 2008 (read them here and here, if you dare). However, I come to you with a new dreadful story that will surely make most people squirm with uneasiness. It all …

Late Night Lobster Elevates Boring Friday Night

I love many things about Los Angeles, but I can’t say I’m a big fan of the early-bird schedule. Once 7:30 rolls around, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone who hasn’t eaten dinner yet (or at least already made plans to). Imagine my unhappiness then Friday night when dinner plans had fallen through, leaving …

In Search of Banh Mi: An Adventure For The Ages

My old friend IndianJones came into town this past weekend, and on Friday night, he announced that he wanted to try some of Los Angelee’s banh mi offerings. For those who are unaware, banh mi are Vietnamese sandwiches that are revered for their bold flavors and simple ingredients. Best of all: the sandwiches can usually …

Govind Armstrong To Appear on 'Top Chef: Masters'

“I’m a Master, y’all!” The cast hasn’t been announced yet, but according to my friend, the very reliable Katherine Spiers, local Los Angeles chef Govind Armstrong (Table 8, 8 Oz. Burger Bar) will be one of the contestants competing on the upcoming season of Top Chef: Masters. We don’t know how well he’ll fare, but …

Crab Hot Pot Proves To Be Delightfully Entrancing

My dearest friend Sly emailed me last night to see if I wanted Korean food, and far be it for me to turn her down. After all, her company is ever so charming, and even more importantly, I’m a fiend for Korean food; so really it was a win-win situation for me. Throw Bets into …


This past weekend, Tony C from Sinosoul gathered several food bloggers together for what promised to be an epic paella feast of massive proportions. I’m not a huge paella person, but the experience seemed random and fun; so I threw caution to the wind, recruited Sly to be my partner in crime, and headed down …

SEEK THIS OUT: The Howie Sandwich @ Artisan Cheese Gallery

The other day, my friend Howie announced that the Artisan Cheese Gallery would be serving his self-created sandwich vision, simply titled “The Howie.” I had no idea what the Artisan Cheese Gallery was, but after some thorough investigation (ie. reading more than the first line of his email), I discovered that it was a neat …