What happens when you take audio from the Woody Allen masterpiece Manhattan and pair it with the video from the Jim Henson masterpiece Muppets Take Manhattan? Nothing less than sheer brilliance. Via Gawker
Author Archives: Ben Mandelker
So Who Else Saw 'Indiana Jones?'
If you’re a red-blooded Amurican, chances are you devoted a few hours this weekend to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and chances are that you also emerged from it with a strong opinion. About three-quarters of the people I spoke with felt the movie was disappointing, and everyone else was more …
DEAD CELEBRITIES: Sydney Pollack Edition
It’s been a while since I’ve posted about dead celebrities. This is mostly due to laziness, but a small part of me also didn’t like seeing the “death” and “sad” tags having such prominent places in my tag cloud. (IndianJones, meanwhile, is eager to have his name ascend beyond the lower tier, but that’s another …
Weezer Video Makes Me Feel Not Too Bad About Wasting So Much Time On YouTube
The new Weezer video, in short, is a blast. A romp. A rollercoaster of viral video emotions. The band collected some of the most famous faces from the YouTube generation and crammed them all into three minutes and nineteen seconds of musical bliss. All your favorites are there: Chris Crocker, Tay Zonday, and Miss South …
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Just As Fun As Regular Beer Pong, But Without The Fun!
And now a moment of inevitability: a video game version of beer pong, creatively titled Beer Pong, is coming to the Wii. I must say I’m quite intrigued, but equally doubtful. Look, if there are two things in this world that I love, it’s beer pong and Wii. But together? Seems kind of dubious. After …
Continue reading “Just As Fun As Regular Beer Pong, But Without The Fun!”
When Padma said that Top Chef had thrown “Restaurant Wars” to the wayside to make room for “Wedding Wars,” I knew it just couldn’t be true. Sure enough, the seasonal tradition was back last night as the remaining six contestants split into two teams and duked it out, culinary style. In one kitchen were the …
Thanks for the Memories, Reality Remix
Today marks the final episode of Reality Remix, the Fox Reality staple that helped launched the network. As some of you may or may not know, I used to be a writer on the show, and then after selling TVgasm, I left to blog full-time. Still, that didn’t keep me far from my old Burbank …
Last night, I complained that the fix was in for David Archuleta to win American Idol, but how wrong I was. In an instant (precisely one instant after my Tivo cut off, grrr), this entire season was redeemed when relative underdog David Cook swooped in and took the victory. I let out a celebratory “YES!” …
Describing David Archuleta In Four Seconds or Less
STALKER WATCH: Entourage Edition
Feel like getting your psycho on? Well, now’s the perfect opportunity. Entourage will be filming Thursday and Friday on Franklin Avenue in Hollywood. All the whens and wheres are in the picture above. Who knows — maybe now you’ll be able to get that lanky, awkward Grenier fix you’ve been so desperately needing.