Back in April, I brought you a death-defying picture of my odometer reaching 10101 miles. The binary symmetry was mind boggling. Well, now I have something even better: 11111 miles. Luckily, I just so happened to have had a camera on me, and since I wasn’t on a highway like last time, I pulled over …
Author Archives: Ben Mandelker
Angela Merkel Is One Funny Lady
I know what you all are saying: “B-Side, you write about Big Brother and Mad Men all the time. How about more German videos???” Well, I’ve heard you loud and clear. Enjoy these German bloopers of Chancellor Angela Merkel, or as I like to call her, Angie Merks. I don’t understand any of it, but …
'Mad Men' Season Two Premieres on Sunday
A few weeks ago, just after I jumped vigorously onto the Mad Men bandwagon, I emailed the press contact for the show at AMC. I told her that I loved Mad Men, that I ran a blog that reached a few thousand people a day, and that I’d love to help promote the show. I …
My Trip to the 'Big Brother' Live Show
Last night, a Big Brother dream nearly came true. I came thiiiiis close to meeting the Chenbot. How? Well, I went to the Big Brother live eviction show, and needless to say, it was amazing. Not only was it super fun, but it was incredibly fascinating too. I can’t describe how surreal it was to …
'Operation: Meet Chenbot' Takes an Enormous Step Forward
It’s been years in the making, and tonight, my dream of meeting the Chenbot came perilously close to fruition. Just how close? Well, that’s me in the light blue shirt over her shoulder. That’s right, I went to the live eviction show, and let me just say: it was awesome. I’m a bit pooped now; …
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I’m starting to feel like a smut peddler. Just days after their last erotic encounter in the Big Brother house, our favorite horny hamsters  Ollie and April  went at it again, this time with a bit more gyration, not to mention dialogue. That’s right, about eight and a half minutes into the following …
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“Seriously, do I look stupid?” How things change in the Big Brother house. A week ago I was praising Libra for deftly taking hold of the game and putting herself into a major power position. However, seven days with nothing to eat but slop can sure turn things around. Libra’s completely lost her grasp on …
And you thought Omarosa and Wendy Williams were bad. The WNBA had a big ol’ brawl tonight as two players bumped and shoved and slammed into each other on the court, causing benches to clear and chaos to reign supreme. In other words, it was awesome. I know it may seem uncharacteristic to see such …
Jessie Hones His Inner Primordial Monkey Man
Jessie from Big Brother 10 and Chris Kattan’s Mr. Peepers from Saturday Night Live. It’s not a perfect match, but somehow it works. Thanks to A Fisher for the pic.
LIKE OMG: 'The Hills' Season 4 Trailer Has Arrived!
Mere months after the third season ended, The Hills is returning to MTV on August 18th for its fourth season. What makes this a brand new season instead of just part three of season three? I don’t know. But what I do know is that according to the trailer above, we should see plenty of …
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