ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Butternut Squash Soup Edition

For the past two or three weeks, I’ve been doing a lot of cooking at home, and you know what that means: time for another edition of Adventures in Domesticity! In fact, we’ll be having several editions over the next week or so as I’ve tried my hand at several dishes — almost all of which …

HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Horses & Bitches Edition

So who else finished last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County with a whole new set of wrinkles due to sixty straight minutes of cringing? Man, I thought last week was bad with the dinner from hell (“CUT!”), but this latest trip to the Del Mar race track brought awkwardness to awful …

DEBBIE MEYER GREEN BAGS: The Official Karen Ogilivie Test!

I’ve been seeing a lot of commercials for the Debbie Meyer Green Bags lately, and for those of you not in the know, it’s a product that purports to lengthen the freshness of produce by up to three weeks. The ads tend to crack me up, if only for the presence of Debbie Meyer, who’s …

Another Achievement for the R2-D2 Cake!

Last June, I brought you images of an R2-D2 cake baked by my friend Mark Randazzo (with help from his wife Leslie), and within a few days, the thing had gone viral. Well, now I’m proud to announce that according to — the official Star Wars website of Lucasfilm — Mark and Leslie’s cake has been …

BROMANCE PHOTOCAP: Takin' What Brody's Givin'

“You like that, Chris? You like it?”“MORE! MORE!” Bromance continues to be a surprisingly hilarious and entertaining hour — a perfect way to kick off Monday night television (at least on the West coast where it airs at 6 PM on Directv, followed by The City and then Gossip Girl. Like omg, best progression evah!). Anyway, …

BEST OF 2008: Television Edition

2008 was a curious year for television, what with the writers strike and all. Seasons got messed up, late night shows went without comedy, and CBS aired a bonus edition of Big Brother — which sadly was universally loathed by pretty much everyone but me. That’s okay though. I don’t mind being a maverick when …

BEST OF 2008: Music Edition

Well, it’s the new year, which means that it’s time to look back at 2008 and make the obligatory Best Of lists. For no particular reason, I’m starting with music, and let me just state that I am not a music connoisseur. My knowledge pretty much encompasses what I hear on the radio plus various …

Turn The Lights Down, It's Time To Get Bromantic

Christmas came late this year as MTV launched two must-see shows Monday night: The City (more on that in another post) and Bromance — the latter show being so awful and full of unbridled homoerotic preening that it just can’t be missed. To be honest, I wasn’t going to watch much of Bromance. I thought …