Me Eating Horseradish — The Video

I was bored on Friday and procrastinating from my important obligations (work, taxes); so I decided to shoot this little, self-indulgent video of me eating horseradish on my webcam. I’m not sure it adequately captures the sinus-clearing pain that one feels upon ingesting the near toxic condiment, but maybe it will give you a vague …

Take A Step Into The Horseradish Time Machine!!

Apparently today is horseradish day at B-Side Blog. After I mentioned in my previous post that NikkiSpice and I had challenged each other to down as much horseradish as possible, she reminded me that she was actually only an innocent bystander to this masochistic game. The real action occurred between me and my friend Zimmho, …


The general rule of thumb is to never go into a supermarket hungry. Well, that’s what I did earlier this week, and predictably I emerged with a food item that was perhaps not the most practical purchase of all time: a horseradish root. To be fair, I truly enjoy horseradish, and I’d wanted to make …

Tournament of Cham Gets Off To A Rousing Start!

After the first day of exciting basketball action, the B-Side Blog NCAA tournament bracket group, known collectively as the Tournament of Cham, got off to a thrilling start! Four teams (including EdHill of Midseason Replacements) immediately sprung to the front of the pack with a near perfect score of fifteen (out of a possible sixteen …

Top Ten Bad Things About Facebook's Redesign

Last week, Facebook overhauled its site for the second time in only about nine months or so, and the reviews are in: it sucks. And it sucks in the most insidious ways. You see, at first glance, things don’t seem too drastically different. Navigation and usability is more or less the same (unlike the last …


I’m slowly entering the “astounded” phase of American Idol. I think we all know it — that incredulous four or five week span in which some blatantly outclassed singer somehow advances farther and farther in the singing competition as more talented folks drop by the wayside. Sanjaya remains the poster boy of such ridiculousness, but …