Kelly Rowan Endorses Michigan Airport Shuttle To Stunning Effect

Actress Kelly Rowan may be best recognized as cool / alcoholic mom Kirsten Cohen on the seminal Fox hit The O.C., but were you aware she has a newer, flashier gig these days? Yes, Kelly Rowan can now be seen endorsing the Michigan Flyer, which for the uninformed just so happens to be Michigan’s premier …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The Second Coming of The Friendship?

Oh man. Big Brother is headed into overdrive. The show just crossed the line from fun entertainment to riveting television. Everything in the house has gone crazy, and the most bonkers stuff is still to come, but for now we have the calm before Hurricane Chima. In the wake of Jeff using the Coup D’Etat …

AWESOME: Chenbot Says "No She Di'int!"

Julie Chen continues to win me over every passing day. In the clip above, found via We Love Big Brother, Chenbot talks about all the Chima controversy, and in the process, she sasses it up and says “Oh no she di’int!” It’s kind of amazing. I actually haven’t even made it past the :22 because …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Stand and Deliver!

Yay yay yay! Last night’s episode of Big Brother was a thriller for a variety of reasons, and I’m happy to report that I was actually there in the studio live for the eviction. Yes, it just so happened that the one week I got tickets for was the most electric live show of the …


Last month, the good people at Jim Beam contacted me about their new product, Red Stag black cherry bourbon. They offered to send me free booze, and of course, who was I to turn that down (memo to other companies: feel free to send me similarly complimentary bottles of spirits). Anyway, this very adult shwag …

HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: Pull That Wig Off, Sherayay!

The Real Housewives of Atlanta is back tonight, and we finally are gonna get to see Sherayay pull Kim’s wig off. Or not. If the above clip is any indication (and 70% of it is old footage), it looks like there’s only a mild tug, and that’s it. Still, who doesn’t like it when these …

STATE OF THE HERBS: Everything Is Alive!

It’s been about a month or so since I last checked in on my burgeoning herb garden here on the blog, and since I have a tendency to KILL every plant that crosses my path, I just wanted to share that all my greenery is alive and well. And not just that — there’s been an …