
In less than two weeks, the tenth season of Big Brother will premiere on CBS, and I can’t tell you how excited I am. Sure, we just finished season nine a scant eight weeks ago, but Big Brother is a drug like none other, and I don’t care if I have to wait two months or two minutes for a new season. I want it NOW.
Of course, there were a lot of people who didn’t love last season (unlike the vast majority, I enjoyed Til Death Do You Part quite a bit), but hopefully, plenty of viewers will return this summer and keep this most beloved of guilty pleasures alive and well. If you don’t watch Big Brother, it’s never too late to start. Why not give it a try this summer? As I like to say, it’s not just a show. It’s an experience. But be warned: without fail, the first three episodes are always exceedingly bland and boring to newbies. However, after three episodes, Big Brother will most certainly sink its claws into you and never let you go. That’s a good thing.
So here’s the good news. While the July 12th 13th premiere date is still a few days off, CBS will be revealing the new cast this Wednesday (according to Jokers Updates, which may or may not be wrong). I’ll be sure to have a complete analysis right here at, and of course, there will be photocaps of every show throughout the season. Tell all your friends!