Well, we’re about halfway through Big Brother 16, and I’m continuing to love this cast, which is a good thing because the gameplay hasn’t been exactly thrilling. Don’t get me wrong: there’s been some great drama — obviously starting with Devin and followed by the Caleb-Amber-Cody love triangle. But with Devin and Amber evicted from the house, we now need a new wellspring of chaos, and ideally, that will come from a big move — maybe even knocking Zach out of the house?
I like Zach. I do. But I’m sick of the Bomb Squad / Detonators having all the power and calling all the shots. It actually makes for a rather ho-hum season of strategy, and it’s not helped by this summer’s dual-HOH twist. The Battle of the Block conceit seems to incentivize Heads of Household to nominate the same people over and over again, and even worse, those people seem to be rolling over and taking it. There haven’t been any major or well-executed attempts to shake the powers that be. Not even the producers bribing Team America to vote against the majority worked. This is no good.
It makes me think back to last season’s MVP twist. I actually thought it was brilliant. Did I mind that Elisa won it over and over again? No. The MVP allowed disenfranchised players to have a voice, and more importantly, it spread ripples of paranoia throughout the cast. Think about how well this current season would be served to have a secret nominating force. It would be perfect. Here’s to hoping the twist comes back in the future.
For now though, we have the dual HOH situation, which I predict will end this week with the upcoming live double eviction episode (I mean, how can the producers cram a Battle of the Block comp into the live show?) Usually Big Brother calls off its big twists about three weeks into the game; so the fact that we’ve made it this far with the Battle of the Block is pretty impressive.
Anyway, enough preaching. Here’s the photocap:

Nicole: “I think I know the answer to this…. bwwwwut I’m not sure!”

Caleb: “Okay, so did I get this right: this number is supposed to be the number of days I plan to stand outside Amber’s bedroom window, right?”

“Every week I wind up on the block. I’m starting to think that maybe… just maybe… I should start playing this game.”

“You might not know this, but I don’t care much for gouda cheese.”

“I have five fingers, but get this: spiders have eight legs.”

“I think I want to have some of that celery… bwwwwwuuut maybe I’ll have a potato instead.”

Frankie: “Let’s play a game. It’s called ‘What pop star do you think I could be — but am certainly not — related to?'”
Derrick: “Oh man. I hope it’s not Ariana Grande. She’s the worst.”
Frankie: “This alliance is over.”

Frankie: “Hey guys — great work maintaining the homeless shanty town theme in the room.”

“My mwom says hi.”

Frankie: “Oh God. Her mom says hi. I haven’t fake-cried this hard since the time Victoria told me she lost her nail file.”

“My girlfriend says ‘I miss your massages and your kisses.’ Golly!”


“‘And I miss when you tickle my neck.'”


“‘And I miss having phone sex with you while we watch old episodes of Growing Pains.‘”

“That… got weird.”

“Who you thinking of putting on the block, Donny?”

“Probably you because you targeted me first.”

“I didn’t really target you.”

“Well, you said I was the target.”

“DEVIN said you were the target.”

“And then you followed Devin’s orders.”

“Listen, I haven’t even been Head of Household; so I don’t even know what this is about.”

“You were HOH the first week.”

“I’m pretty sure I spent that first week making love to Amber nonstop. Because we’re in love and such.”

“No… no that didn’t happen at all.”

“I’m pretty sure it did.”

“What if I told you that Amber’s final wish was to keep me safe?”

“Then I will keep you safe… wait, why was Amber talking to you and not me?”


“I wonder if these people realize that a phone is ringing, and it’s JESUS! CALLING FOR ME!!”
Jesus: “Sorry, wrong number.”

“Hey Nicole, remember when I told you to nominate me? Well, don’t do it.”


“Wait, nominate me. Reverse pyschology! Ha!”


“Never mind. Don’t nominate me! And then nominate me. But then don’t. GOTCHA!”

“I wanna understand Zach… bwwwwuttt I’m confused.

“I have faith that Jesus, who is not doing anything else in the world, is ready to help me win a minor competition on a summer reality show.”

“The phone is ringing again! And to think that everyone said I should ditch my land line!”

Victoria: “You know, when I was a kid, a crow abducted me; so I kiiiind of know a thing or two about adversity.”

Caleb: “Yeah, yeah. Hey, can you ask your crow friend to check in on Amber for me?”

“Hey everone, guess what? There’s a Power of Veto at the bottom of this tank. Just kidding. It’s just a tank. That’s a little Donny humor for y’all.”

Victoria: “Thanks everyone. This was a hard competition. I really had to carry Caleb.”
What did you think about the episode?
Please find a way to keep Zach in the house! Without him this season is so boring!!! Jocasta brings absolutely nothing to the game! I know most everyone in the chat rooms feel the same way! We need a twist where Zach can come back and stir things up!! If he goes…it will be boring!
I totally agree! Save ZACH!! Highly unlikely, but there is always that possibility he will come back! Let’s hope they are smart enough to bring Zach back, and Let the Games Really begin, as ZACH ATTACK Brings in his reign of terror. lol
Now that Amber is gone the creepiest thing in the house is Christine’s thirst for Cody.
I am talking heebie-jeebies.
I could not agree more! It’s so absolutely wrong. I wanted her at first, but now I’ve lost ALL respect for her. For this reason and her rat game play.
Yay! I was worried you gave up on photocaps! I love your caps and I hope you continue to do them more regularly. I think you may be happy this week Ben, things are changing a bit in the house. 😉
These BB photocaps are the most exciting thing about the cast for me. I look forward to them each week.
I look everyday for new ones. I love them. I too, was worried you’d given up on this season. It seems you’re posting less then you were last year…but at least you’re posting.
Is jacosta really a pastor? I would like to know the kind of people who think this woman knows what the heck she’s talking about.