Well, another season of Big Brother is in the can. There was plenty of controversy to be had, but overall, I’d say this was the strongest showing in several years. We had great enemies in Amanda and Aaryn, decent heroes in Elissa and Howard, and plenty of stupid arguments involving wine, mattresses, and bathing suits. Honestly, who could want anything more?
After the jump, check out the last Big Brother photocap of the season. SADDDDD!!

“Good evening. I’m Julie Chen. And even Andy is bored with himself.”

“If I can’t beat GinaMarie, I deserve to be forced through a meat grinder and fed to OTEV.”

“The final three have been living in the house for ninety days, but what they don’t know is… EVERYTHING. Literally, these are very stupid people.”

“Good evening. I’m Julie Chen. And I’m wearing a giant piece of charcoal.”

“Pardon me, Julie, but do you happen to have any Grey Poupon?”

“This roller rink reminds me of that time I blew Johnny DeFrancisco in the clearance aisle of Lady Footlocker.”

“Making a fat man climb a wall? No problem. I’ve been working out all summer. Oh wait… I’ve been eating cupcakes, haven’t I? Dammit!”

“Okay, GinaMarie, you can do this. You can figure out how gravity works.”

“No OFFFFFENSE but that dress makes Amanda look like a purple ghost from Pac-Man SORRRY THANNNKS FOR ASSSKING.”

Amanda: “I think I look hot.”
McCrae: “Hahahhaa she’s wearing my gym shorts like a dress.”

“You look like Grimace having a night out on the town NO OFFENSE THANNNKS FOR ASSSSKING I’m OBSSSESSEDAAH.”

“I’m handsome.”

“What an honor: not only do we get a visit from Dr. Will, but Julie Chen too!”

“That’s not Julie. It’s Helen, you idiot.”

“Holy smokes! I never knew shirts could have buttons!”

“I know what you’re thinking: J-U-double-D Judd isn’t wearing his grizzly bear shirt. Well, guess what? You’re wrong. This shirt is actually a grizzly bear caught in a flash flood.”

Andy: “I have to admit I never thought this finale would come down to GinaMarie and I having a cook-off with tiny, golden gas grills.”

Andy: “Aw, Spencer. When you wear green you look like a furry turtle.”

“GinaMarie, what was your biggest game move, other than getting me out of the house?”

“Yeah, well, I’d probably say that I have a big heart and that, well, what can I say? You know? All of yous are like family, and I love all of yous, and Nick, couldn’t have done it without you, and I’d have to say my biggest game move other than getting you out of the house would have to be getting you out of the house.”

“No, I mean, OTHER than getting me out of the house.”

“Yeah, okay. I’d say… getting you out of the house.”

“But what ELSE?”

“Let’s see. Well… I did give Vito Carlucci an amazing hand job in the store room of a Quiznos once. That was a pretty big move.”

“No, I mean in the Big Brother house.”

“Oh right. Right. I’d say my biggest move was when I got HOH and had to move from downstairs to upstairs. That was a big move. Took a few trips back and forth to get everything.”

“I mean a GAME move.”

“A gay move? Nah, sister I don’t eat fish.”

“GAME. With an M.”

“Oh, like when we’d play chess? Gosh, I don’ t know. I never really understood how to play; so I guess my biggest move was the time I took the tall piece and used it to kill a cock-a-roach. Turns out it was a cotton ball. Hey, you make mistakes, right? I got a big heart.”

“Did you even prep for this? You had HOURS, no, DAYS to sit around and prepare your speech.”

“You know, I’m Italian. I have a big heart.”

“That can’t be your answer to everything.”

“No, of course not. But what can I say? I’m Italian. I have a big heart!”


Elissa: “Andy, I saddddly have to vote to evict your shorts, NO OFFFFENSE THANNNNKS FOR ASKKKKING.”

Andy: “I have been a resourceful player all game. For instance, when I lost my bow tie, I made a new one out of an unused tampon I found lying around.”

“In closing, I’d like to take a moment to sing ‘We Are The World’ to Nick. ‘There comes a time… when we need a helping hand… when the world must come togethaaah as… as… blah blah blah’ — I’m sorry, I don’t know all the words. What can I say? I’m Italian. I have a big heart.”

“Where the HELL is my Perrier???”

“You know, Julie, I was really upset to see that Helen would fake cry. Like, that’s confusing to me. Wigwam tomahawk casino feathers.”

“Are we really wasting valuable time of the reunion to discuss MY TEARS?”


Andy: “Aw, GinaMarie. Can’t wait to never talk to you again!”

Nick: “Ahhh shit.”

Nick: “Could someone tell me when the camera’s moved off me so I can end this hug?”

Julie: “I know y’all just got out of the house, but I’m the host of this here show, and all you motherfuckers better listen to me.”

Elissa: “Oh my God, are you sssseeeerrious MMERICA? I can’t believe I won!!! I’m OBSESSSSSSED THANNNKSSS FOR ASSSSKING.”


Thanks for all the love this summer! Be sure to check out one last TV Clique: Big Brother podcast, available in video and audio form here:
What did you think about the finale?
your recap was spot on…I laughed the most all season just now! I actually got more involved in reading, and really ‘listening’ to what people say and how it affects others, including myself so all was not a loss for me. I do hope it is a new fun positive season next year in the NEW household..and I think a big sister needs to come and play!
Love Love Love you guys! Going to miss the Elissa and GM impressions so much! Thaaannnkkks for all the laughs!
Every recap was awesome this season…great work!
Finally, someone who agrees with me… this season was off the charts, but not as much from an entertainment perspective, but a psychological one.
A lot of people complained about this group because of the racism and the houseguests vile behavior in general. But what I found so interesting, was the fact that some of these people were so easily influenced, that they just let their every thought fly out of their mouths without considering long term consequences, cameras and all. That, and the fact that this is a perfect example of how bad behavior from one individual can breed and influence more bad behavior from others.
Call me blood thirsty, but when you watch (some) seemingly, level- headed people (ie: Andy) stooping to the levels that they did, it’s an interesting watch.
Unfortunately though, many of the behaviors in question were not aired on CBS and were only on the live feeds. However, those too, will live on. Much like the Stanford Prison Experiment, (and because this show DID make national headlines), I wouldn’t be surprised if this season of BB ends up becoming a study in human nature, at least in a few classrooms. I would love to take a psych class that dissected this season of BB.
I’ve been saying that this resembles the SPE all summer long to my friends who watch the show and don’t know too much about psychology. What I find fascinating is that once one person said something, it completely snowballed. I haven’t watched the feeds since the Spencer comment, but everyone was so afraid of being a target that they went along with the things being said and it became out of control even though some of them obviously knew better.
Part of me thinks that certain HGs are this way in real life (Aaryn/Amanda/GM), but it makes me hugely uncomfortable to see this, because people can choose to not say something also (Candice/Elissa), or defend others.
That was hilarious. I laughed out loud (at my desk at work) to the pics and captions when Amanda asked GinaMarie her question. OMG that was funny!
Always enjoy BB Photocaps. You guys had the pulse of HG’s. Oh, Meep!