IndianJones with our custom t-shirts.

Once a year, the fine (and entirely way too cold and rainy) city of San Francisco hosts a race called Bay To Breakers, wherein several people run across the city… and everyone else dresses up in costumes and drinks their asses off. I’d heard from my friend IndianJones that it was a blast; so I decided to head up to the City by the Bay this weekend to partake in the action. Now I’m here, and even better: so are blog regulars Malibu Judie and Sly (as well as our other friend who wishes to remain 100% anonymous). The only thing missing is a group costume. Well, we weren’t really planning on going all out, but as it turns out, IndianJones’s friends have all adopted a British theme; so in the spirit of all things Royal Wedding and such, our little group decided to design t-shirts for the occasion. Our fine work after the jump.

And yes, this is all very self-congratulatory, but we’re just really really excited about these t-shirts…

The process was simple: we created a graphic, and then IndianJones emailed it to the fine guys at My Trick Pony, who not only did a great job but delivered the goods too! Highly recommended…

Here are the t-shirts, freshly delivered and crisply folded. Our excitement was off the charts.

Cutting the strings. This was the culmination of a feisty group effort. Lots of emailing back and forth and judging on fonts, etc.

IndianJones struggling through the anticipation. OMG CUT THE STRING ALREADY.

Ta-da! We were so very proud. But now I question whether or not I should have dedicated an entire post to this. It’s too late now. Just indulge me…

Wish us luck…

6 replies on “Introducing The Coolest T-Shirt Ever (If I Do Say So Myself)”

  1. Hey – we’re in Corral G (obviously superstars lol), where are you starting?

  2. You should so send Kim Z. from RHOA one of those. If she can’t take the spin, she’s stupid!!!! I love it and you should sell them!!!

  3. DirecTV, Henckles scissors, My Trick Pony, and Tony Hawk video game! Nice product placement! 🙂 Now, about that shirt with the cat in 3D glasses…………

  4. Cat in 3D glasses t shirt available at or an Urban Outfitters near you!

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