After several weeks in the hospital, screen legend Elizabeth Taylor died today at the age of 79. The actress had battled many medical ailments over the past ten years and finally succumbed to congestive heart failure Wednesday morning.

I wouldn’t say that I had a “thing” for Elizabeth Taylor, but she’ll always have a special place in my heart for giving us White Diamonds, the gift that keeps on giving.

To read more about Elizabeth Taylor’s death (including her REAL accomplishments), check out the full story here.

After the jump, one of my favorite Elizabeth Taylor moments: her infamous Golden Globes presentation ten years ago. God Bless her.

And of course, you can’t watch the above clip without the following one (one of my all time favorites):

RIP Ms. Taylor!

3 replies on “DEAD CELEBRITIES: Elizabeth Taylor Edition”

  1. LOLOLOLOL – sadly those clips were the best back to back moment of my day so far. Thanks!! Hopefully she has found some peace.

  2. Young, old, thin, or heavy, Elizabeth Taylor was beautiful and elegant. I watched almost all of her films – my favorite was Butterfield 8. For decades this talented woman set the standard for glamour. She’s irreplaceable and she will be missed

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