Exciting news! This past week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills brought us our first non-sisterly fight of the season, and it was just as awkward and catty as you can imagine! Camille Grammer and Kyle Richards tried to clear the air about a perceived comment regarding Camille’s appeal without Kelsey. The issue at hand was whether or not Kyle ever said anyone would care about Camille sans super famous husband. Kyle claimed she had never and WOULD never say such a thing. Camille maintained that she heard those words come out of her very mouth. It was hard to tell who was wrong, and who was right. What’s particularly unclear was why neither woman could admit that clearly there was a miscommunication and just move on. Instead, even after “resolving” their issue, the two women still privately and bitterly kept their grudges, and so it was no surprise that twenty minutes later, their fight erupted again on a much larger, ridiculous scale.
Round two was spurred on by Camille, who felt uneasy after she realized that Kyle had made a dig at her. Or a perceived dig. Kyle had told her to stop being insecure about the Kelsey situation, and that questionably benign comment festered in Camille’s head for minutes on end, causing her to go at it again with her new nemesis at dinner. Why she didn’t approach it maturely and say “Hey look — you said something upstairs that in retrospect has been rubbing me the wrong way” is beyond me. Instead, Camille whined about it passive-aggressively behind Kyle’s back (but just loud enough for Kyle to hear and become enraged). And then the fight was on.
To be absolutely fair, Kyle is no innocent victim here. During the initial apology, there was a definite, accusatory undertone to her words which essentially suggested “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings; I didn’t mean to, but please remember that I’m right and you’re wrong.” That being said, her use of the word “insecure” wasn’t the passive-aggressive “little dig” that Camille made it out to be, and of course, had she just nipped this in the bud at that very moment, Kyle probably would have been able to correct her wording on the spot and that would be it.
Instead, we had Kyle going nuts at the dinner table, frustrated that the so-called resolution was nowhere near resolved. Even more frustrating for her was that Camille just sat their peacefully, quietly retracting all the things she had said up in the hotel room during the initial talk. Camille told us that because Kyle had lost her cool, she had won the argument, but given that Camille’s M.O. is to probably instigate and then step back and play the innocent victim (think Danielle Staub), it’s hard to say if “winner” is an appropriate term.
All we do know is that the show ended mid-fight, and we have to wait until tomorrow to see the rest of it (and the ensuing uncomfortable weekend between the women). Should be fun!

Lisa: “This is a lovely arrangement. Please don’t go masturbating in it again, love.”

Taylor: “One day, Russell will leave me for a younger, prettier girl. And when that happens, I will STAB THIS DOG IN THE FACE!”

“Oh wow. This is fun! Sort of naughty and playful but sexy at the same time. Yeah… I hate my life.”

“Kyle said something that really bothered me. She asked why anyone would care about me without Kelsey.”
Nick: “Hahahhaha. Oh wait… you think people actually will care about you without Kelsey?”
“I was a dancer on Club MTV!”
“Yeah… so anyway, I’m gonna hang out with Kelsey now.”

“Aw, Adrienne, I’m so sorry about your uncle, and don’t worry about missing New York.”
Adrienne: “Please tell Kelsey hi.”
“I will.”
“And tell Kelsey thank you for the invite.”
“Actually… it was me who invited you.”
“But you’re not Kelsey Grammer.”
“No. It’s Camille.”
“Camille? Who’s Camille?”
“You know… his wife.”
“OH! That’s you! I never remember your name. I just call you Wife of Kelsey. Or WOK.”
“You know, I am my own person.”
“Of course you are, dear. Is Kelsey there?”
“Right, right. Okay, I gotta go.”
“Wait, my mother has cancer!”
“Yeah, he’s fine.”
“Great! Bye!”

Kyle: “I object to you saying I look like Pocahantas. SHE never was in Escape to Witch Mountain.”

Kyle: “I object to you saying I look like Pocahantas. SHE never was in Escape to Witch Mountain.”

Hypnotherapist: “All those who like chalupas, raise your hand!”

Lisa: “Can you believe that Wills is engaged to that commoner Kate Middleton?”
“And can you believe I was in Escape to Witch Mountain?”

Kim: “Hey Taylor, I didn’t see you all flight. Where were you sitting?”
Taylor: “Oh, they just hung me up in the garment closet. Turns out I fit!”

Ken: “And so as I stood there in the record store in 1984, I thought to myself, ‘You know what? From this point on, I will always cut my hair as an homage to Duran Duran. God save the Queen.”

Ken: “And so as I stood there in the record store in 1984, I thought to myself, ‘You know what? From this point on, I will always cut my hair as an homage to Duran Duran. God save the Queen.”

Camille: “Look who’s home! It’s me! Mom! Of course I’m referring to me, and not my mother, WHO HAS CANCER!”

“You know, Mom, I know you have cancer and all, but I might POTENTIALLY have cancer… so… YEAH.”

Kyle: “Look, I just want to clear the air about something: you heard something I never said. You’re crazy. I’m sane. I would never say that, but you would most certainly hear that — again, see previous point about your insanity. End of story. Phew! Glad I got that off my chest! Yay! Friends!”

Kyle: “I don’t want you to feel insecure about Kelsey.”
“So I’m insecure?”
“No, I’m not saying you’re an insecure person. I’m just saying about Kelsey don’t be so sensitive.”
“Oh, so now I’m sensitive.”
“I didn’t mean like that.”
“Oh, so now I don’t understand English?”
“I’m sure you’re very fluent.”
“So now I’m a fluid.”
“I said you’re fluent, not fluid.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“So we’re cool?”
“Everything’s great!”

Taylor: “Does this Blackberry make me look fat?”

“Camille, you’re such a fucking liar. You need professional help.”

“Little jabs…”

“I never said those things to you. I would NEVER say those things!”

“See? Little jabs.”

“I didn’t make a little jab, CAMILLE.”

“Iiiii don’t know. Sounded like a little jab…”

“You are hearing things! Making up words!”

“Hmmmm…. no… I don’t think so… The only thing I hear are little jabs…”

“Fiction! You hear fiction!”

“No thanks.”


“You asked if I’d like the butter, and I said ‘No thanks.'”

“I never asked that!”

“Hmmmm…. yeah…. you did. And why would I ever eat butter? Are you saying I’m fat? See? Little jabs.”

“Honestly, you’re crazy.”

“Oooh, that was a big jab.”

“I don’t know what to say to you.”

“Hmmm… medium jab.”

“Let’s just finish dinner in peace.”

“Little jabs! I win!”
What did you think about the episode?
I couldn’t believe the crazy I saw. Camille is nuts. She’s the victim type which are the most annoying people in the world to me. Honestly after 20 minutes of her I couldn’t figure out how Kelsey could stand 1 year let alone 13 with her.
Camille’s forehead doesn’t move except the very top near her hairline, someone missed a spot with the botox. I felt bad for her mom.
Kelsey clearly wanted nothing to do with her (and I don’t blame him).
“Little Jab… hmmm… medium jab…”
Really funny! I was laughing out loud in my office at this.
Camille is most definitely nutso. There is no question why Kelsey left her in a big, fat hurry.
She has that instigator/ victim role down to a tee. She might just well be the most wacko housewife of the whole franchise.
How about the fact that her Mother has CANCER and she makes it all about her. What a self-absorbed twit!
And on a side-note: I watched the Howard Stern movie “Private Parts” a couple of weeks ago and she played one of those women in a bikini who holds the sign that says “Howard goes to Detroit” (I think that was the one she did). Anyway, she had the most obnoxious Jersey accent. Obviously, she was just a total flooze who married rich and morphed into a completely different person.
I could honestly just go on and on about her… I DO NOT like this woman!
Me too! I cannot believe how crazy she is! I felt so bad for her mother who actually has cancer and is getting chemo for it and her self absorbed daughter MAY someday have cancer made it all about her. I wanted to slap her. And then she only had time to see her mother at her manicure. WTF?
By the way Kim was in Escape to Witch Mountain.
Me too too! Camille is the worst (me, me, and more about me)! I couldn’t stand to be around her and her little girl voice. BTW, who does her eye makeup cuz it stinks. The second wacko is kim. what a big baby. enough about “i don’t have girlfriends cuz i’m a movie star!”. No, it’s because you’re self-centered and rude!
I’m beginning to feel sorry for Russell. I’m beginning to think he’s a nice guy. I think Taylor is a handful who likes to control. And those lips and legs….. yikes!!
Bravo on the Duran Duran comment, so true. He looks acts like he 80! I’m finding it hard to believe that Lisa is 49 yrs old? Maybe brits age different, but she looks to be around 60…. sorry cuz I really like her but her skin seems crepey(sp?).
WOK! Love it. I will no longer use Camille, she is only WOK. Clearly their marriage lasted as long as it did because Kelsey was on drugs for the first part. Her weird, pouty, doe-eyed face thing and baby voice make me want to reach through the screen and punch her. So annoying when she was complaining about the small, 3,000 sq ft apartment in NYC!? How horrible that there is not enough room for her staff. Their kids seem really cute though and it was sweet how excited they were to see Kelsey.
Lisa is still the BEST. Love her interview parts!
It was actually a 3500 square-foot NYC apartment, which is oh, about 3000 square feet bigger than mine. WOK is a nutjob.
But Kepster…she must fit Kelsey, her two children and about 500 house staff! That certainly is not enough room!! (sarcasm, dripping with)
dear donkey woman,
if you admit on national tv that it sounds awful to drivel on about how your 3000+ sq ft apartment is small ‘for us,’ then, in the wise words of nene leakes, “Stop saying that out loud, so people can know how crazy you really are.†hee haw? good.
“the wise words of nene leakes, “Stop saying that out loud, so people can know how crazy you really are.†hee haw? good.”
ROTFLMAO!!!!!!! That says it all!!
The thing is, Camille also KNOWS and FEELS that a huge part of her validation in life is that she’s Kelsey’s wife. Hence her super, super, super sensitive insecurity. But Kyle also does seem very hostile at times…she’s not exactly the soft-spoken type. I’m sure she did say something passive-aggressive.
How hilarious was Lisa when she goes “I know Richard…he’s a friend of mine.” Lol. When she does that stuff, it just seems so matter-of-fact and awesome (she also mentioned how she knew Christian Louboutin to the chocolatier). It comes off completely opposite to when Jill Zarin does it, which comes off pretentious and braggadocios (she probably was just in the same venue as the celeb she’s bragging about and it’s someone like Jon Gosselyn).
Them walking around LAX was also hilarious. When they all travel like that in a pack, they look even more striking. Lol. Love it.
Omygosh… I totally forgot the ‘Richard’ comment… was lol’ing. I also thought it was hilarious with all of them in the airport — who travels in 5 inch heels? People who know Richard Branson and Christian Louboutin and aren’t schlepping roller bags to avoid paying for checked bags, that’s who! FABULOUS!
This episode, primarily Camille’s display of toxic, narcissistic behavior was down right disturbing. The way she set Kyle up for a crash and then sat back and played the victim and clearly enjoyed the way it all played out…disturbing. She’s good at it…Danielle Staub failed miserably because she couldn’t hold it together like this gutter snipe. It’s no wonder Kelsey has left her…and the mere fact she mentioned she “swears on her Mother who has cancer”…is so loaded with where her priorities are. It’s no wonder she has no female friends and I hope she enjoys her big homes scattered around the country that she gets out of the divorce settlement….she won’t have any “real” joys in life otherwise.
And to get mad about “the insecure comment” after you’ve stood there, literally bouncing up and down like a child, insisting you’re SOOOOO shy. What? So, someone says, ‘hey don’t worry about, no need to feel insecure…..’ And you feel justified in getting upset??
She needs to stick with sycophants like her little hot tub friends. Oh, and the Tennis Pro.
It was sweet of her to put all this on tape for Kelsey’s Attorneys.
Camille gets super-supportive and endearing fan comments all over her BravoTv blog. I believe they (BravoTV) edit out anything negative, as my comment to her has yet to appear.
LOL at the photocaps!! The Camille/Adrienne phone conversation is priceless! Hilarious.
“Little jabs I win”. Looks like her doctor ‘forgot’ a few little jabs in the upper part of her forehead where all of her wrinkles seem to have collected.
Camille is convinced that women everywhere are “jealous” of her. Her face is shaped like a squash. I read in the People Magazine interview that she used a surrogate to start her family because she was too underweight…In addition she mentions since Kelsey’s depature she has lost 12 pounds. Um. Not Jealous. Also, Kim’s face always looks SO SAD.