Being the good son that I am, I secretly flew to New York on Monday night to surprise my parents for their 40th anniversary, which has been totally wonderful and family-tastic, but I must warn you all: I am now woefully behind on both my TV-watching and my blogging (I literally haven’t even watched the Atlanta housewives yet, not to mention the season finale of Rachel Zoe!). Even more concerning is that other real-life obligations this week (projects I’m working on etc) will be taking the lion’s share of my time; so the updates may not be as frequent as I’d like.

However, I do plan to get a few items up here and there, and ideally, I’ll be back on a regular blogging schedule by Monday. Thank you for your patience, and remember, you can always discuss whatever’s on your mind in the wonderful forums section of the site. Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter where I’m liable to be updating frequently.


6 replies on “Pardon The Interruption!”

  1. Please don’t thank us for our patience, thank you for the blog! And Happy Anniversary to your parents!

  2. WHAT?? this is heinous that you took a flight and did not blog it! No drunken mamacita’s seated next to you this time?
    wicked sad….

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