Surprise surprise! Lisa and I are already back with yet another podcast! This time we went a little crazy and went mobile with the show. We set up shop outside a nearby Starbucks and infused our normal banter with a healthy dose of people watching. Mixed with some coffee tasting and naughty jokes about pumpkin cake, this certainly proved to be one of our most bizarre podcasts yet. We don’t know how it will play to the masses, but I can assure you that at the very least, we certainly had a fantastic time. Let us know what you think!


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4 replies on “Ep. 10: Banter with Ben and Lisa”

  1. The sound quality was great. I don’t think the appearance that you were talking to a studio audience would make people stare, but rather the maniacal laughter. If you could throw in a little bit more TV talk (excluding Real Housewives) it would be perfect…

  2. I laughed. But I don’t know what made you order that drink. Made me gag a little when you were talking about it.

    What you should’ve taped was you returning it cause it was funky. That would’ve good.

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