We’re back with another podcast of Banter with Ben and Lisa. As usual, we’re talking about The Real Housewives of New Jersey, and joining us yet again is jash, who manages to let out a hearty guffaw or two, despite having his mouth all sutured up from oral surgery. This episode is not without drama as I also nearly faint midway through from a lack of food and an overabundance of caffeine in my system. It’s always exciting on B-Side Blog. Enjoy!

Also, once again I have to give a big shout out to Dessert Darling for hooking me up with a sweet new microphone (The Snowball, which looks not unlike an adorable little Deathstar propped on a metal stand). It really makes our voices sound lovely. Or as lovely as they can sound.


5 replies on “Ep. 06: Banter with Ben and Lisa”

  1. OMG – you guys! LOL! OK, so I have to say, that while this episode of Housewives wasn’t so great (apart from Jillian) this was your best podcast yet! Ben – you say you could sing that “We are sistahs” song all day, I could listen to you and Lisa sing that all day long! I love how Danielle kept referring to the poor girl’s plight as the “launch of your career” or something along those lines…. no pressure.

    Favorite line – “Big cheeks to fill”. big guffaw!

    Good luck with the parents!

  2. This is the highlight of my week. I love you, Lisa, and Jash. You guys are friggin’ fantastic.

  3. I need to hear the full 12″ extended dance remix of “We Are Sisters.”. I was in terrible traffic while listening to the podcast and the brief snippets I heard kept me from vehicular homicide. Mazel and kadooze to you. But I will not clap.

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