RACHEL ZOE PREVIEW: Rachel's Lungs Are Shutting It Down

LITERALLY, she can’t breathe. OMG, this is a pulminarysaster!

There’s a new episode of The Rachel Zoe Project on tonight, and with Rachel heading to Paris with Brad, it looks like we’ll be in for more over dramatic proclamations than ever before (the question “Did you just have a fashion orgasm?” is posed in one of the clips after the jump). In the video above, Rachel gets stressed (as in vertigo-stressed) and fret that she simply cannot breathe. Specifically, her diagnosis is that she’s inhaling, but LITERALLY not taking in oxygen.
After the jump is another video of Rachel and Brad gushing at a fashion show. Plus, a bonus clip of Brad calling Taylor from Paris. Surprise, surprise — she’s not happy. (And LITERALLY I rode an escalator with Taylor yesterday in Century City. It was beyond. I die. I die. I didn’t say anything though, thus making it a FAMESASTER. Actually, I suppose it would be more of a SHYSASTER). Nevertheless, enjoy the videos.

LITERALLY, this… is… beeeYOND.

OMG, this phone call is a BRADSASTER!