
In case you missed my shameless but heartfelt shilling last week, I’m back again, urging you to buy Bought, the new novel by Anna David. Some of you may recognize Anna from her myriad appearances on Attack of the Show and Red Eye, but of course, the die-hard of you remember that the two of us used to be roundtable mainstays on the dearly departed Reality Remix. Well, our bantering selves were reunited last week (see photo above) at Anna’s book party; although, I showed up an hour late and egregiously missed Anna reading a passage from the novel. Ooops. Party foul. On the upside, I did get to meet many of Anna’s friends, including Niki from Cool for a White Girl (I promised I’d give her some linkage love). So basically, yeah, I’m just shilling left and right here. And why not? I’d want the same done for me. And besides, it’s my own damned blog. Now I’m getting belligerent. And now this fluff post has turned into a bizarre stream-of-consciousness rant. Let’s just stop the madness here, shall we?
To purchase Anna’s book, click here.
And to check out one of the promos for it, follow the jump.

3 replies on “Have You Bought 'Bought' Yet?”

  1. I actually went out and bought Party Girl and Bought after your first post–read both of them in under a day. Great work!! Now passing them around to my friends 🙂

  2. I bought Bought. Haven’t read it yet, but I bought it. Can’t wait to read it.

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