AND NOW A WORD FROM THE CRAZIES: Letterman Protesters Edition

This video is absolutely amazing. It features a handful of protesters who are still pissed about the Letterman/Palin flap — a flap that came to a close two days ago. Some people just can’t move on. I guess that’ll happen when you’ve been VERBALLY RAPED.
Via Daily Intel (Thanks jash)

9 replies on “AND NOW A WORD FROM THE CRAZIES: Letterman Protesters Edition”

  1. Wow. People like that really scare me. Oh and contrary to what the first woman believes, not everyone in the country is upset about Letterman’s joke. Count me firmly in the “don’t you people have anything better to do” camp. In fact, I believe I laughed when I heard the joke. My bad.

  2. Wow. People like that really scare me. Oh and contrary to what the first woman believes, not everyone in the country is upset about Letterman’s joke. Count me firmly in the “don’t you people have anything better to do” camp. In fact, I believe I laughed when I heard the joke. My bad.

  3. I’m with Zevonia. I can’t believe what a mess this has become; it makes no sense. I laughed at the joke, and sorry, have laughed at far worse. The Palin’s have a real knack for taking offense – well, I’m offended at their very existance. So, if they could get lost, I’d appreciate it. And I know NO ONE who was offended by the joke. Not one person at all.

  4. Maybe since they can see Russia from their front porch (wink wink), they are afraid they might offend them somehow. How dare David Letterman offend Russians!

  5. OMR!!!!1 Where are these people from???? (besides crazytown, natch)
    This caused me giggle at them, and want to weep for anyone who has ever had to deal with someone like them.

  6. The scariest part of this video is that these people (and hundreds of thousands more) will be voting for Palin in 2012. How is she still here? How is she still relevant? How can “pretty” and “dumb” survive this long, even longer than Carrie Prejean?

  7. The guys pretending to make out in the background at the end are the best part of this video.

  8. Don’t these people realize that Palin has a “bastard” grandson as well? Glass houses + stones = dumbfucks.

  9. I like your equation zoobabe!
    This made me laugh so hard that I hope Letterman verbally rapes someone else so we can have more glorious crazies footage.
    And apparently A-Rod now plays basketball & Letterman has a bastard daughter…if you are going to use your right to freedom of speech, please get your facts straight first. No wait, don’t, this was far more entertaining.

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