Treadmill FAIL

Treadmill Sick of Annoying Girl – Watch more free videos

Actually, the treadmill didn’t fail — just the massively uncoordinated girl trying to get on. First time I watched this, I thought it was amusing. But then the more I watched, and the more I saw her body get tossed around, the funnier it got.
Gosh, I love when kids fall over.
And as a bonus, check out two more videos after the jump. One involves a big, blue ball and a kid, and the other involves a soccer ball, a cheerleader, and German narration. That’s my kind of comedy!

Cheerleader Gets Knocked Out By Bad Shot – Watch more free videos

Big Blue Ball – Watch more free videos

6 replies on “Treadmill FAIL”

  1. I just watched that treadmill video 4 times in a row. That is solid family entertainment.
    Well done.

  2. B this video was funny, but having had this happen to my kids (yes I laughed then too) (after I made sure they were ok), it leaves a nasty bruise that stings like a bitch!
    If only I had a video camera on my son who was riding his bike, showing off with no hands, went fast through a dip in the road and bounced right off the back landing flat on his behind. What was even funnier was the bike continuing down the road for a good while sans rider! Do you know how hard it is to look sympathetic when you are trying not to crack up?!?!??

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