Obamamania Strikes Another Innocent Coffee Cup!

Yesterday, I detailed the mortifying experience of spilling an iced coffee on a reporter’s PDA while discussing the Obamas. Little did I realize that this would be the start of some sort of national trend. It appears as though merely mentioning Obama, or specifically, Michelle Obama, causes coffee cups — whether they be tall or short, hot or cold — to topple over in dramatic fashion. Take, for example, the case of Whoopi Goldberg, who, less than twenty-four hours after my accident, similarly knocked her beverage over live on The View. But this time, it wasn’t a reporter’s invaluable collection of contacts that was in danger. No, it was guest host MICHELLE OBAMA HERSELF. Don’t worry. She was safely away from any sort of caffeinated spillage. But still… Obamamania strikes again!
(Thanks Annie25 for the heads up)