Behind The Scenes Footage from ‘I Love Lucy’

This video made its way to YouTube back in 2008, but it’s still worth a look if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s color footage of I Love Lucy shot by a member of the audience just under fifty years ago in 1951 and remains the only “behind the scenes” material of the show. Prettttttttttty …

The Inevitable ‘Saved By The Bell’ YouTube Interactive Video Game

THIS is amazing. The Finer Bros. (Benny and Rafi) have created an 8-bit Nintendo-esque verison of Saved By The Bell, but this video is more than that. It’s an actual game you can play. Think of it as a really colorful version of Choose Your Adventure. Via The Daily What

VIDEO: It’s a Deer in an Aquarium!

What is it about deer that they always get themselves trapped in places they shouldn’t be: convenient stores, liquor depots, state legislatures. Heck, they even get into Target. Well, here’s a new addition to that list. One intrepid deer made its way into the seal tank at Norwalk’s Maritime Center in CT. This was impressive …

VIDEO: Drunk Russians + Dolphins = Inevitable Chaos

And now the inevitable answer to the age-old question: “What would happen if a bunch of drunk Russians went to an aquarium?” It’s kind of like the Pacers vs. the Pistons, but with more slapstick. I can only imagine what the dolphin thought of this mess. Via Fark