INSIDE THE BIG BROTHER FINALE: That Yellow Bubble Sign? Yeah, That Was Us.

And so with a burst of confetti and a rousing standing ovation, this tenth and wonderful season of Big Brother 10 came to a close tonight, and you can bet your bottom dollar that I found my way into the audience. Come hell or high water, there was no way I was gonna miss the …

HILLS RECAP: Love 'Em and Leave 'Em

Apologies on the tardiness of my recap. It was a long weekend, and as such, my entire writing schedule got a bit messed up. Yes, I took it slow on Labor Day, which was somewhat appropriate given the rather languid pace of this latest installment of The Hills. Granted, it would be hard to top …

Liveblogging Obama's Speech – Updated!

“I’m OUT OF THIS WORLD!” Tonight, I tried to do my civic duty by tuning into Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Unfortunately, about five minutes into it, he referenced the seminal ’70s television show, Eight is Enough, and that just totally distracted me. The rest of the time I couldn’t help but …

Costas Mandylor Meets His #1 Fan

When it comes to celebrity gossip, other blogs specialize in Brangelina or Nicole Kidman or Tom Cruise. Me? I specialize in former stars of Picket Fences. Or at least, that’s the trend I’m hoping to start. That’s right, over this past weekend, my friends and I came smack-dab, face-to-face with none other than Costas Mandylor, …

My Triumphant Return to 'Big Brother.'

A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to find myself a primo spot in Julie Chen’s live audience for Big Brother. It was an experience that was both massively entertaining and wildly surreal. As soon as it was over, I wanted to go back, but I soon learned that contrary to what the show’s …


Traveling Pants Shall Travel No More Over the past week, two pairs of my shorts and my favorite pair of cargo pants have developed large, menacing holes in their pockets. I don’t know exactly what brought it about (heavy keys, no doubt), but yesterday afternoon, I resolved to take my ailing garb to a tailor …

So What Did You Think About the 'Mad Men' Season Premiere?

From left to right: Don Draper, offended woman, SCOTT, jerk with hat. In case you’ve been living under a rock, the Mad Men season two premiere was last night, and I personally enjoyed it quite a bit. However, I’ve heard from two separate people that they felt it was a little slow. Maybe I’m in …

My Trip to the 'Big Brother' Live Show

Last night, a Big Brother dream nearly came true. I came thiiiiis close to meeting the Chenbot. How? Well, I went to the Big Brother live eviction show, and needless to say, it was amazing. Not only was it super fun, but it was incredibly fascinating too. I can’t describe how surreal it was to …

Blogging Is No Day At The Beach — Except When It Is

The best part about being a full-time writer is that I get to make my own schedule (most of the time); so when my old friend IndianJones proposed going to the beach on his day off from work, I was more than happy to accept the offer — even if it meant abandoning my bedroom/office …