Nene Not Homeless, According To Her


It’s safe to say that Nene continues to be the favorite cast member of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. You can count me as one of her fans. Lately, she’s been embroiled in a bit of a housing mess, and today, she wrote this on Andy Cohen’s blog:

“The recent rumors alleging that my family faced an eviction are a huge misunderstanding and grossly inaccurate. I am truly blessed to enjoy a wonderful life and lifestyle. We have indeed moved to another home, but we did so on our own free will. We live in an absolutely beautiful home and we are fortunate to be able to live in the place of our choice. Unfortunately, there are many families who are facing real foreclosures and real evictions. That is not and never was the case with us. I know where we live and how we live, and for those blessings I am humbly thankful. It is disappointing that many members of the media have chosen to report gossip instead of news. Without wasting time on the details, the only thing I will say is that we were NOT evicted. Everybody knows that I like to be honest, real and upfront. If something was wrong, I would tell you! Thank you for your well wishes. However, please know that my family continues to be abundantly blessed, and that Miss NeNe has not skipped a beat!”

Sounds simple and direct enough. But our crack legal team down in Atlanta discovered something else out…

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Things have been a little slow on the site recently due to my East Coast traveling, but fear not. I have returned to my home base! That being said, it’s time to catch up again with the Original Wives (O.W.’s). You know who I’m talking about: The Real Housewives of Orange County. Gone are boring old Tammy and resident cougar/creationist/plunging neckline enthusiast Quinn. In their place is Gretchen, the hot young newbie who just so happens to be engaged to a very, very wealthy man (who’s struggling with cancer, sadly). I kind of thought Gretchen might be intolerable, but I’ve actually found her not so bad. In fact, she seems to have something of a head on her shoulders. Heck, anyone deserves credit for persevering through the “initiation” of Tuesday’s episode as all the women relentlessly harped on Gretchen’s various shortcomings and questionable relationship motives.
Aside from Gretchen, we had all the usual characters. There’s Jeana, who’s still amusingly cynical and bitter about everything in life. There’s Vicki, who’s still absolutely neurotic and insane nonstop. There’s Tamra, who’s still carrying the torch for all the gaudy Hot Moms in America. And then there’s Lauri, who’s just so darn happy now that she’s found everything she’s wanted in life. Translation: MONEY.
Good times had by all…

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HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Some Old Fashioned Drinks and Dialogue


It’s Thanksgiving time! And what am I thankful for? Oh, just the sublime hour of confrontation and self-delusion that the Real Housewives of Atlanta provided for us during last night’s gleeful reunion special. The fights were intense and exciting, trumped only by the juicy details behind such curiosities as Kim’s hair. Turns out it really is a wig, but not from cancer. No, Kim suffers from fake-cancer, but that doesn’t make her any less of a victim! Bitch had to wait three agonizing weeks before that fateful day at Chili’s when she found out she was off the hook. Do you know how hard that is for someone? I’m sure she could barely even enjoy those baby back ribs. Thank God no one told her they were grilled over a dozen little fiery charcoal rocks! It would have been the worst day ever. Props to Andy Cohen (you heard me right), who after confirming with Kim that she did NOT have cancer, asked if she was still smoking. Ya darn tootin’ she was! Good to see a cancer scare got her to change her ways.
Of course, the big story from the reunion was Lisa Wu Hartwell’s hostile attack on poor Kimmy. She accused the future Nashville star of being a habitual liar, and we never really found out why. Rumors on the Internets suggest that it was Kim who spread word that Lisa was a crazy wife to Keith Sweat, but who knows. I was just glad to see her drop the sweet act and get down and dirty with the rest of the girls. That leaves only DeShawn left to make a total fool of herself. Probably won’t be happening as she’s back in school (ie. getting a Masters in Divinity online). Nothing against people who get their degrees online, but I’m not sure I’d want a spiritual leader to have been ordained through Google. To each his own, though.
Onto the photocap…

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THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 3 – A Sprout Grows In Los Angeles


While I’ve been on the East Coast, my dutiful friend Jash has been checking in on my apartment to ensure that no strange things happen in my absence, and lo and behold, what should he find? The first signs of life from my parsley plant! That’s right, the darned thing has started to sprout, and now I can relax knowing that I did, in fact, sow my seeds properly. Soon, this bad boy will be tall enough that I won’t need to tilt my plant towards the sun with the assistance of a precarious rubber ball. A Thanksgiving miracle!
Now bring on the sweet, sweet photosynthesis!

Out Of Africa


The world can be a cruel place, especially for children of Africa, but as we learned last night on 24: Resurrection, the wee ones have help in the form of not just Sally Struthers, but the incomparable Jack Bauer. Yes, the not-so-secret agent with the survival skills of a superhero has become a friend to the impoverished boys of some fictional country, and a good thing too. If he weren’t around, who’d be able to take out an entire convoy of guerrillas hellbent on stealing the kiddos and training them to be pint-sized soldiers of destruction? Surely the UN couldn’t help. According to this movie, all those peacekeepers are spineless, not to mention European, (U-S-A! U-S-A!) jerks who look the other way when it comes to overseeing conflict in the Third World. Well, it looks like 24 is ready to start making some political damnations. United Nations — you just got served!

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Operation 'Meet Ina Garten' a GOOD and Rousing Success!


Sometime last week, while I was procrastinating from my writing, I came across a fateful piece of information: Ina Garten, star of The Barefoot Contessa, would be doing a book signing here in the Los Angeles. In general, I’m not much of a book signing person, but I knew I this was one event I had to attend. When the day came, I hopped in my car, braved my way over to the yuppie-tastic West Side, and stood in line for two hours, all in the pursuit of a GOOD picture and autograph. The adventure, including two surprising celebrity cameos, after the jump.

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The Real Housewives of Atlanta came to an awkward, confrontation-infused end last night, and while there weren’t too many explosive moments, I think Lisa’s well-intentioned but supremely uncomfortable dinner at the end truly made for some cringe-worthy television. Kim, looking more like a drag-queen-cum-blowup-doll with her bright lipstick smeared around her pie-hole, could barely defend herself against Nene, who admitted wrongdoing but also was incredibly upfront about her actions. Sher-ayay (Sheree-ay? I still don’t know how to pronounce her name based on its ridiculous spelling) just sat back and barely offered a conciliatory comment. That’s okay. She doesn’t need to surround herself with the plebeians. She’s soon to be fashion’s next big name — assuming she ever gets around to picking out fabrics for her designs and actually paying attention to their creation. I enjoyed Project Runway alum Michael Knight giving her a good talking-to, even though he clearly sugar-coated it in an effort to be friendly. What was even better was Sher-ayay later praising him, saying his insight was invaluable. Of course, all he did was tell her to be hands-on, pick out fabrics, and keep an eye on her seamstresses — common sense, really — but I guess when you’re Sheree-ay, common sense isn’t so, well, common.
Nevertheless, I can talk about last night’s episode ’til the cows come home, but I’m sure what everyone really cares about is next week’s reunion. I am quite, quite excited for it — especially the much hyped Lisa-Kim showdown. Counting down the days…
In the meantime, onto the photocap!

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Why Aren't You Watching 'Worst Week'?


Usually on Tuesdays, I like to discuss Gossip Girl and the many joys it brings me (make no exception, I will be discussing it, and yes, it brought me many joys last night), but today, I’d like to talk about one of the funniest new shows on TV: Worst Week. Airing on Mondays at 9:30 PM on CBS (make note of that date and time), this sitcom has been getting funnier and funnier every week, and yet it’s lagging in the ratings and generating little to no buzz. What gives?
In a television universe where mediocrity rules and fans of comedy find themselves begging for better content, Worst Week is a gem that should be praised. Last night’s episode was no exception. In fact, it was pretty much the best of the season. The writers seem to be honing the voice of all the characters and establishing a proper rhythm to the show. It’s hitting its stride, and I say with no exaggeration that I nearly laughed my way through last night’s entire episode.
Adding to the fun is great casting, starting with the lead, Kyle Bornheimer, whose previous claim to fame was an omnipresent Cingular commercial with him leaving umpteen messages on an unseen woman’s voicemail. I’m shocked this guy hasn’t hit it big before because his comedic timing is excellent. If little else, Worst Week has certainly found a promising new star. Also deserving mention are Kurtwood Smith (That ’70s Show), who nails the role of an imposing, WASPy father with the ease of an industry pro, and Nancy Lenehan, who has rapidly come to the fore as the show’s preeminent scene stealer.
Have I heaped enough praise? Seriously, watch this show. And if you missed last night’s episode, check it out at