I sometimes want to do this to EVERY CHILD I ENCOUNTER. (Except the good ones)
Category Archives: Video
Hills Spoof of the Day
These days, Hills spoofs are a dime a dozen, but this one is actually pretty good. It’s not perfect, but the UCLA kids that put this together definitely picked up on many subtle Hills-isms. If only they had included some sort of Lisa Love character… Thanks to Jose for forwarding this to me.
The Most Ridiculous Thing I Saw In Europe
In my live blog of European TV, I mentioned seeing a silly music video for a song called “Hot, Hot Summer.” Well, I’ve tracked down the video, which is by a band named Monrose. They’re sort of like the German version of the Pussycat Dolls. According to the charts, they’ve struck it big in Central …
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FINALLY: 'Big Brother' Jury Drama
Big Brother was one hell of a doozy tonight. The drama was pretty much as good as it can ever get. I don’t anticipate that CBS will have the screen shots up before Sunday; so it might be a while before there’s a photocap. In the meantime, for fans of the show, this clip is …
Kind of My Favorite Viral Video Right Now
See more funny videos at CollegeHumor Imagine taking the “Wow” factor of your typical time-lapse viral video and adding the artistry of Michel Gondry. You wind up with this clip, which follows the famed director and his brother as they drive across the country in just four minutes. Via Gawker
Kristen Wiig Sucks. Just Kidding. She's Awesome.
Kristen Wiig once again served up one of the more memorable moments on last night’s Saturday Night Live with her new character, Judy Grimes, a nervous “Weekend Update” travel writer. It can never be as great as last week’s revelation — Sue, the surprise party enthusiast — but as always, Kristen Wiig provided some of …
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One Of The Funniest 'Survivor' Moments Ever
Even if you don’t watch Survivor, you’ve gotta enjoy this clip. Here’s the backstory. A few episodes ago, Ozzy carved a fake, hidden immunity idol and left it under a rock. Jason discovered it, thought it was real, and on last night’s show, he gave it to Eliza to protect her. That’s all you need …
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Celine Dion Finds New Ways To Sound Like A Computer
Hello. Celine Dion here. Celine Dion really is hilarious. I respect what she’s doing in this video (charity and whatnot), but I can’t help simultaneously laughing at her voice, which sounds something like a Québécois version of one of those computerized Mac voices. Each time I hear her say “the most… heartbreaking… staTISTic,” I let …
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Help These Poor Girls Win It All
Be warned: this song will get crazy crazy stuck in your head. A few weeks ago, I shamelessly plugged my friends’ video, which was competing in YouTube’s “Sketchies II” competition. Well, your assistance worked — they sailed into the finals, and now they’re just inches away from taking the whole prize. For this last round …
Crazy James Bawls — But Not In That "Pathetic" Way Like Matt…
Isn’t it great when the pressures of Big Brother cause people to crack? And isn’t it even greater when it happens to reality stars you just can’t stand?? Oh, what a sublime way to start the week.