This video doesn’t say much about Texas drivers (nor, for that matter, the structural integrity of banks). Fear not: no one was hurt.
Category Archives: Video
I Think The Japanese Are Onto Something…
Staten Island girl + baby costume – equilibrium = awesome. On last night’s episode of I Survived a Japanese Game Show, contestants were spun around rapidly for quite some time before being unleashed on a killer obstacle course (through which they had to carry two pitchers of milk). Needless to say, pratfalls and splashing ensued. …
And Now Something A Little Gay (As In Happy!)
Little girls across America can rejoice. Here’s a glimpse at the new High School Musical movie. That’s right, in case you hadn’t heard, Troy and Gabriela are coming to the big screen, and for once we’ll find the answers to many of our burning questions: will the high school musical be cancelled? Will the basketball …
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DONNA FELDMAN: The Most Awkward Talking Head Ever?
The other night, I was watching Red Eye, the late-night gabfest on Fox News, when I witnessed possibly one of the more awkward jokes I’ve seen in quite some time. It came courtesy of model Donna Feldman, who tried to make a funny about Rolling Stones member Ronnie Wood and his affair with an eighteen-year-old …
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Romance, Jersey Style
The following video may be two years old, but hey, I just found it today. Let me say that I am nothing short of entranced. It details the elaborate courting ritual of New Jersey’s libidinous youth (as seen from the heart of Cabo San Lucas). All future casanovas should watch and learn. Video after the …
SANDRA LEE: I Never Met A Seahorse I Didn't Like
God bless Sandra Lee. The woman has no taste whatsoever, and just in case you forgot how tacky she can get, take a glimpse at this intro from today’s episode where she happily trumpets the use of decorative seahorses throughout her kitchen. It’s a bit… much. I also like how after she points out the …
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The Funniest Video You'll See Today
This is hilarious. Ronnie Karam (a.k.a. Flipit from TVgasm) stars as Andy Rooney in this parody of those ubiquitous Geico commercials. I laughed out loud multiple times, and I’m sure you will too.
The Long Weekend Is Here!
It’s July 4th weekend, and I think Ina Garten’s got a message for all of us: INDEED!
I Survived 'I Survived a Japanese Game Show.'
Last week, ABC premiered two “goofy” reality shows: Wipeout and I Survived a Japanese Game Show. Both have lots of potential, but only one seems to realize it. In short, Wipeout is awful. I could only bear to watch five minutes of it before turning it off. The main problem (among others): canned “play-by-play,” which …
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Sarah from 'Real World: Hollywood' Finally Immortalized in YouTube Canon
When it comes to Real World: Hollywood, no one passes judgment in a more snotty way than Sarah, the aspiring journalist from Arizona. Never is this more evident than in the clip above where Sarah comments, “Probably shouldn’t be wrestling. Probably shouldn’t be on top of another girl.” The words alone aren’t really what makes …
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