Like OMG! Worst Night Ever!!!

Let’s take a trip back in time. On May 21, 2008 — six months ago to the day — David Cook pulled an upset win over David Archuleta on American Idol and simultaneously broke the hearts of adolescent girls nationwide. Many of us were lucky to be far, far away from any roving tweens, and as …

Earthquake Drill Proves To Be A Suitably Chilling Way To Start Off Thursday

At 10 AM PST, upwards of 5 million Los Angelenos will be participating in the cheerfully named “The Great Southern California Shakeout.” To the unsuspecting, this event sounds like nothing more than a wacky dance contest, but in actuality, it’s an all too scary earthquake drill that aims to simulate a 7.8 seismic event — should …

'Mad Men' Concludes Its Second Season; The Long Wait Begins

Mad Men wrapped up its second season Sunday night, and what a finale it was. Set against the backdrop of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the entire episode was beautifully tense. Everything about the show — from the acting to the cinematography — was wrought with fierce emotion, particularly the devastating scene late in the hour …