Kind of NSFW Oops. Jane Fonda accidentally dropped the C-word on The Today Show this morning — as in C U Next Today Show — a transgression that would certainly make an exec like Jack Donaghy’s blood boil. It all happened when Meredith trotted her and Eve Ensler out to discuss the tenth anniversary of …

The Heath Effect

Renfro? Really? Him? Has Brad Renfro received an upgrade in the legacy department? The troubled actor, who never quite lived up to his perpetual “rising star” status, has suddenly been thrust into the upper echelon Died-Young category, joining the likes of River Phoenix, Tupac, and Janis Joplin, and it all seems to be thanks to …

Los Angeles Times Writer Succumbs to Sensual Rush of Nutmeg

One of my favorite writers in the blogosphere is none other than S. Irene Virbila, the Los Angeles Times‘s head food critic. Her reviews are known for their brutal honesty (“It may be all right for a drink, but the confusing concept, lame cooking and general ineptness make Hidden a no-go zone for anybody who …

SPOTTED: The New Yorker Getting Political With Gossip Girl

What magazine am I? I’LL NEVER TELL. I love two things in this world (at least for the purpose of this bombastic opening line): snooty New Yorker condescension and Gossip Girl. But what I love even more is when the two combine to create a sudden, unexpected “Oh SNAP!” moment. Conveniently, that’s just what happened …