Things have really not been so hot for the Heroes team on Survivor. Not only are they less interesting as a whole than the Villains, but they’re also significantly lacking in the skills department. To date, they’ve only won one challenge all season, and no matter what they do, they can’t seem to get their …


Well, we’re about three episodes into Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, and so far, it’s been a pretty fun ride. I have some questions about the casting (since when is Candice, the universally loathed turncoat from Cook Islands, a hero?), but overall, I’m liking this all-star iteration better than, say, All Stars. And unlike that other …

Great Moments In Failed Flirtations

Last night my friend Meeshie sent me an email directing me to the Facebook fan page for Dave Ball, the Survivor: Samoa contestant who we last saw bearing his chest for one lucky lady. Why? Well, it looks like Dave tried to flirt with one fan, but.. well… take a look at the following exchange: …

SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: Million Dollar Baby

If you haven’t seen last night’s epic two hour Survivor: Samoa finale (followed by the always too-short reunion), then you best turn away from this post right now. In fact, you should just walk away from your computer because chances are it’s gonna be ruined for you either here or on Facebook or on Twitter …

Help Dr. Mick Trimming Win $100k

Tonight is the big finale for the wonderful Surivor: Samoa season, and along with learning who will take home the million dollar cash prize, we’ll also discover who is the fan favorite. The winner of that poll will take home a cool $100,000, and while I don’t usually pay attention to these contests, this time …

B-Side Blog Drinks With Dr. Mick Trimming & Co.

Last week, I received a very exciting and random email. I had been officially invited to a party hosted by Dr. Mick Trimming of Survivor: Samoa fame, and as readers of this site know, there’s nothing I enjoy more than hobnobbing with Survivor cast members. Turns out that Mick and I have mutual friends — …


With thirty-four thousand contestants still left on Survivor: Samoa, Mark Burnett & co. decided to speed things along last night and axe not one but two players over the course of the hour. Yes, there were two Tribal Councils, and while such a double-header of ejection is usually awesome, I have to admit that it …


And the amazing season that is Survivor: Samoa continues. This latest episode could not live up to the insanity that was Laura’s departure, but once again, we were left with a nail-biter. I can only imagine the crazy ways in which this season is gonna shake out over the next two weeks. Since it’s late …

SURVIVOR PHOTOCAP: One Of The Best Episodes Of All Time?

Survivor is nineteen seasons old, but you wouldn’t know it based on how fresh and exciting it still is. In fact, I don’t think I’m being too hyperbolic when I say that last night’s episode might very well rank up there with some of the all time best. It was so thrilling, so entertaining, so …