Super Bowl Proves To Be A Thriller; Commercials Not So Much

Well, football season officially closed out last night with a fantastic Super Bowl, courtesy of the Indianapolis Colts and the new world champions New Orleans Saints. It was an overall exciting game, albeit perhaps a little low-scoring given the numbers the two powerhouse quarterbacks usually put up. Nevertheless, one can’t complain about an epic showdown …

REAL HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: A Tale Of Two Bitches (Simon Being One of Them)

If the previews are any indication, we are in store for quite the episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County tonight. Not only do we see Lynne get evicted, but there are going to be fights galore during one ill-fated dinner party. And guess what? Vicki’s at the center of them all! This is …

Watch 'Cougar Town' Tonight!

Everyone should watch Cougar Town tonight. Why? Well, aside from the fact that the show has been steadily improving on the funny front, tonight’s episode has been written by occasional B-Side Blog personality (not to mention my close friend) sawgee. Even more importantly, this is the first episode of anything he’s written to air on …


At long last, Kelly Cutrone’s new Bravo series Kell On Earth premiered last night, and it was pretty much everything I could have wanted. The entire episode was one big tea kettle of stress, slowly bubbling away over the course of sixty minutes until finally the pressure was too great, leading Kelly to flip her …

Happy Birthday Ina Garten!

Call the fun police! Today is Ina Garten’s birthday, which means our favorite kitchen maven has most certainly arranged a splendid party for all her gays (and Jeffrey) in the Hamptons. Surely on the menu: an orange floral arrangement courtesy of Michael, a refined table arrangement (not tablescape) courtesy of Miguel, some good quality mustard …

MISS AMERICA PHOTOCAP: Uglier Than Ever Edition

This weekend, the blogosphere, Twitter, and Facebook all lit up with talk of the GRAMMYS, and while the show was certainly impressive — what with its feats of acrobatic placenta symbolism, courtesy of Pink — the real entertainment this weekend came from a smaller, sadder, but no less iconic ceremony: Miss America 2010. The show, …


The ongoing saga of Lynne and her daughter Alexa ratcheted up in intensity last night on The Real Housewives of Orange County as the two butted heads more ferociously than ever before. It began in the car with Lynne (who drives like an old lady) insisting that her daughter didn’t respect her enough. Alexa, meanwhile, …

REAL HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: Lynne's A Bad Parent, Y'all!

One of the more compelling threads running through this season of The Real Housewives of Orange County has been the very real, very disturbing relationship between Lynne and her youngest daughter Alexa. On the one hand, we have a rebellious kid oozing with entitlement and refusing to respect her parents in any way. On the …