Bethenny Frankel Nip Slip!

So here I am, dutifully checking out the preview clips for tonight’s Real Housewives of New York City, and what do I come across? A good old fashioned nip slip! That’s right: one of my favorite housewives, Bethenny Frankel, completely flashes the camera, and what’s most shocking is that Bravo doesn’t even blur it out. …


We’ve got a double whammy of fun tonight on Bravo. The Real Housewives of Orange County wraps up its fairly riveting season while my favorite, The Real Housewives of New York City, starts up for the third time. To say I’m excited is an understatement. I was already buzzing after a producer on the latter …

AMERICAN IDOL RECAP: The Rise of She-Lambert?

‘Twas ladies night on American Idol yesterday, and overall I’d say things were a smidgen improved. Sure there were some full-out duds, and sure I disagreed with the judges on occasion, but it looks like this season is inching ever so slowly in the right direction. I still don’t see any superstars in the group, …

AMERICAN IDOL RECAP: The Guys Show Signs of Life

I watched American Idol last night after midnight and thus had a very strong litmus test for who I liked, and who I didn’t: those who put me asleep were in the “not like” category. Everyone else was fine. Of course, this method tended to bias those who performed earlier in the night, but no …

I'm Adding 'Archer' To The DVR

Over the weekend, I ventured over to Hulu to sample this new animated sitcom Archer I’d been hearing about, and I’m happy to say that while a tad uneven, it’s actually pretty damn funny. Then again, it’s hard for anything featuring Jessica Walter to not be funny. Sweetening the deal is the presence of fellow …


Well, we’re about three episodes into Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains, and so far, it’s been a pretty fun ride. I have some questions about the casting (since when is Candice, the universally loathed turncoat from Cook Islands, a hero?), but overall, I’m liking this all-star iteration better than, say, All Stars. And unlike that other …

REAL HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Looking For A Shot Of Happiness

I don’t have much time to write this post today; so I’ll keep the recapping short. Shouldn’t be hard though — after all, most of last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County speaks for itself. The show focused on attempts at resurrection and rejuvenation — from Lynne’s second attempt at marriage with …

REAL HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: Scenes from a 'Perfect Marriage'

Is it already Thursday? Is a new Real Housewives of Orange County already upon us? The answer is yes. In two short hours, the ladies will hit the airwaves once again, and we’ll be dazzled with all sorts of exciting things such as this warm and cuddly (read: cold and frosty) conversation between Tamra and …