With the Big Brother season entering its final stretch, I decided to check in with former winner and current Dr. 90210 star Dr. Will Kirby to find out what’s been going on in his world. Brief interview after the jump.
Category Archives: Television
Nick and Jen on Wheel of Fortune
Here’s the news for those of you who haven’t been keeping up with their Big Brother gossip. Nick and Jen from Big Brother 8 have been dating for a little while now. Don’t know how it happened, and I don’t know why it happened, but I’m sort of glad it DID happen. After all, now …
Last night’s episode of Big Brother was great for one and only one reason: we got to see Sheila bark, “Yew know wut, Adam? Thank yew, THANK YEW!!” And yes, that was a quote verbatim. I probably watched that line over about three times in a row. As for the rest of the show, well, …
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EAT, DRINK, AND BE AWFUL: An Instant Classic 'Housewives'
“Here’s to the most awkward dinner party of all time!” Anyone who missed tonight’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York City should run, not walk, to their DVR and watch it. I guarantee it will be one of the best hours of 2008. This is what we watch reality television for: unpredictable, awkward, …
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Many Happy Returns
Monday’s second episode of The Hills was a homecoming of sorts. Many old friends were reunited for the first time in weeks. Heidi and Audrina buddied up; Lauren and Whitney got to spend the workday together; and most importantly, we the audience got to see the return of none other than ASHES, a.k.a. Bella 2.0, …
Will Clinton Seek Out The All Important Trishelle Endorsement?
With Heidi Montag’s ringing endorsement of John McCain last week, one has to wonder which MTV reality stars will the other candidates be courting in their bid for White House supremacy. I delve into this deeply important topic in my latest article for DipDive, the new site from will.i.am (yes, yes, I’ve mentioned the site …
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Man, these double episodes of The Hills are killing me, but in a good way. I can’t really complain when so much awkwardness is on display. There was so much petty drama on tonight’s episodes, and for the first time in a little while, it all focused on Heidi and Lauren marking their territories anew. …
BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: What Were You Thinking, Bro?
Adam, Adam, Adam. What were you THINKING? Why is it always at this crucial stage of the game when someone does something absolutely idiotic and totally jeopardizes everything? Hurricane Howie season 6, anybody? Chicken George season 7, anybody? America voting Dustin off season 8, anybody? UGH. Of course, these are just noms. Nothing is sealed …
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Crazy James Bawls — But Not In That "Pathetic" Way Like Matt…
Isn’t it great when the pressures of Big Brother cause people to crack? And isn’t it even greater when it happens to reality stars you just can’t stand?? Oh, what a sublime way to start the week.
BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Better Late Than Never!
CBS dragged its feet on posting the screen shots from Wednesday’s eviction show, but at long last, they finally went up, which meant I could do the photocap. I momentarily considered simply skipping the episode and moving onto tonight’s drama, but then I realized that I simply could not let Josh’s awful exit go uncommented …
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