Bawwwbby, Look What I Found!

What a glorious day.  Earlier this afternoon, I stepped out of my friend’s apartment, walked around the corner, and bam!  I came face to face with a landmark fresh out of The Real Housewives of New York City.  I’m talking about Zarin Fabrics and Home Furnishings, the fabric empire run by Bobby Zarin — a.k.a. the …

AT LAST: A Look Inside the 'Survivor' Jury

Well look at this giant video player. For years I’ve wondered what life was like for the Survivor jury. Were the castaways allowed to talk about the game with each other? Where did they stay? What did it look like? Was it fun? Well, during last week’s uh-mazing episode, I noticed an interstitial promoting something …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Fact or Fiction — Wednesday's Show Was One of the Best of the Season

It may have been several day ago, but Wednesday’s installment of Big Brother was great. We had fights in the house, squirming on the live show, drama on the jury, a tie in the voting, and an HOH competition fraught with conspiracy theories and intrigue (and a tie breaker). I loved every ounce of it. …

'Housewives' Conclude Fantastic First Season With Delightful Mix of Awkwardness and Snobbery

If you’re like me, you’re already missing The Real Housewives of New York City the way Amy Winehouse misses crack (allegedly). This week’s season finale was yet another fine installment in this tremendous guilty pleasure, which again leads me to wonder why Bravo only produced a paltry six episodes. They were probably afraid the show …

'Idol' and Mariah Carey: They Belong Together?

I can’t tell you how excited I was for Mariah Carey week on American Idol. It wasn’t because I’m a particularly huge Mariah fan or anything — although I do like her. No, it was because the promise of hearing some youthful songs was downright intoxicating. The musical themes this season have been particularly old …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: If The Birthday Girl Gets Her Wish, She's Gonna Die. Die Inside. DIE!

The nonstop parade of Sheila-isms continued on last night’s Big Brother as the reigning cougar of the house plotted the ouster of Natalie. It’s sort of sad watching this once proud alliance cannibalize itself, but it was the inevitable post-James outcome. Either way, the two guys are sitting pretty. All three girls seem determined to …