BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: He's Not Just Muscles, He's Vapidity Too!

Big Brother powered on last night with a relatively low-key episode. I thought we’d see Libra and Jerry fighting after the food competition, but maybe the producers are merely holding that off for Tuesday’s show. In any case, there were still plenty of amusing moments, particularly coming from Jesse, who added new cocky dimensions to …

BIG BROTHER SEX UPDATE: April and Ollie Totally DID It

Usually when people have sex in the Big Brother household, it happens late at night under the grainy gaze of infrared cameras. Thanks to Ollie and April, however, that visually-challening tradition has been bucked. Yes, the two lovebirds got it on earlier this morning right in the middle of the spa room, and as you …

'Mad Men' Marathon Sunday on AMC

The hype for Mad Men has been out of control, and it’s only been augmented by its recent Emmy nomination haul (not to mention my own gushy praise). Still, amidst all the buzz (which kicked up a notch a few months ago with cover stories on Entertainment Weekly and The New York Times Magazine), the …


Loud language; may be NSFW This clip from Big Brother is kind of amazing. It starts off slow and mundane, but then halfway through, BAM!! However, (spoiler alert) it WILL tell you who wins the food competition. If you can deal with that, then enjoy… Part II after the jump… (via Jokers Updates)

Rami Kashou Attacked By Vengeful Anti-Draping Enthusiast

Taking the word “fierce” to new (or perhaps old?) levels, Project Runway finalist Rami Kashou was allegedly involved in some sort of brawl at a West Hollywood gay bar Thursday night. Details are sketchy, but according to one eyewitness, an attacker hurled a martini glass at Kashou’s face, causing massive bleeding (and surely the ruination …

Kathy Griffin Reads The Blogs (Or At Least One Of Them)

For three and a half seasons, Kathy Griffin has been tirelessly showcasing her sometimes less-than-glamorous world on Bravo’s My Life On The D-List, and even though she claims to be at the bottom of the barrel, she’s now an Emmy winner and recent double-nominee. Pretty impressive. Nevertheless, the controversial comic sat down with Seth Abramovitch …

Comedy Central Takes On Reality TV

My old college chum works at Comedy Central, and he gave me a heads up on a new show premiering tonight called Reality Bites Back. Basically, a bunch of comedians (including reality veteran Theo Von from Road Rules and umpteen Challenges) will be stuck together competing in weekly events that parody real life reality shows. …

Emmy Nominations Revealed, Happiness and Confusion Ensue

The 60th Emmy Award nominations were revealed this morning, and I have to admit that I’m pretty much fine with them. Sure, there were several snubs, but overall, I felt the noms hit the mark more or less. Readers of this blog will know that after my recent conversion to all things Mad Men, I …

I Think The Japanese Are Onto Something…

Staten Island girl + baby costume – equilibrium = awesome. On last night’s episode of I Survived a Japanese Game Show, contestants were spun around rapidly for quite some time before being unleashed on a killer obstacle course (through which they had to carry two pitchers of milk). Needless to say, pratfalls and splashing ensued. …