Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Celine Dion But Were Too Afraid To Ask

WELL BONJOUR. My publicist friend recently gave me a heads up on something, and never wanting to deprive my readers (or her clients) of an ample opportunity, I’m here to report that Céline Marie Claudette Dion — wife of René Angélil and mother of René-Charles Dion Angélil — will be the focus of an in …

I MET JULIE CHEN: 'Operation Meet Chenbot' Officially A Success!

After six years of unbridled adoration, my gentle stalking of Julie Chen has reached a stunning and wonderful milestone. That’s right. Tonight, I had the pleasure and joy of meeting the one and only Chenbot, thus filling the void in my Big Brother viewing experience. Julie was like the Holy Grail of Big Brother for …

Is This The Greatest Send-Off of All Time?

After having watched both episodes of a much improved Top Design, I’ve come to the conclusion that British hostess India Hicks, daughter of famed interior designer LORD DAVID HICKS, delivers one of the harshest goodbyes ever seen on reality TV. It’s certainly a vast improvement over last season’s anemic, cringe-worthy “See ya later, decorator!” Kudos …

History Channel Will Probably Make You Cry Tonight

On the seventh anniversary of September 11th, the History Channel will be airing 102 Minutes That Changed America, a documentary that culls amateur footage of the World Trade Center attacks and presents it in near real-time. If it’s as intense as the above promotional clip — and I’m sure it is, if not more so …

IT'S A ROBOT: Don't Pee On Shirley Manson and Tell Her It's Raining

Click to see Shirley Manson shed her inner urinal cake. As an unabashed Garbage fan, I was most excited to hear that Shirley Manson would be joining the cast of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, even if it did seem like an utterly bizarre career turn. Unfortunately, I did not actually see the season premiere, …

Further Adventures In the 'Big Brother' Audience

Earlier this summer, I managed to find my way into two live shows of Big Brother, and after both trips, I wrote highly detailed accounts of my experiences. Well, since then, I’ve actually found my way into the audience two more times, but I haven’t really written anything because there’s been not much else to …

HILLS RECAP: Another Successful Birthday Party!

Where to begin? The latest episode of The Hills was so chock full o’ drama that it barely seemed able to fit into one meager half hour. I suppose that’s why MTV spread it out over the course of two consecutive episodes, with the first half of the drama (ahem, DRAMA) airing Sunday before the …