You Heard It Here First: There's NOTHING Redeeming About Africa!

One of the criminal oversights of this blog has been my total lack of Survivor coverage this season. This does not reflect the quality of the season, but merely my middling work ethic, which has waned a bit in the post Big Brother months. Nevertheless, Gabon has been a solid addition to the franchise, with …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: Why Kathy Lee Will Never Be A Noted Gourmand

Top Chef this week really was all about one thing and one thing only: Kathy Lee Gifford spitting out Jeff’s food into a sink. Man, that was glorious. Luckily her disgust really doesn’t reflect poorly on him as much as it does her, but nevertheless, I’m sure it was slightly mortifying. Perhaps not as mortifying …


Things have been a little slow on the site recently due to my East Coast traveling, but fear not. I have returned to my home base! That being said, it’s time to catch up again with the Original Wives (O.W.’s). You know who I’m talking about: The Real Housewives of Orange County. Gone are boring …

HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Some Old Fashioned Drinks and Dialogue

It’s Thanksgiving time! And what am I thankful for? Oh, just the sublime hour of confrontation and self-delusion that the Real Housewives of Atlanta provided for us during last night’s gleeful reunion special. The fights were intense and exciting, trumped only by the juicy details behind such curiosities as Kim’s hair. Turns out it really …

HILLS RECAP: The Grossest Rumor of All Time

After a few episodes of wishy-washy drama, The Hills heated up this week with the bombshell rumor that Lauren had hooked up with resident hobo Justin Bobby. No one was more shocked than Lauren herself, who adamantly denied the accusation — or non-accusation, as it were — to the point where she wound up crying in …