HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: Cougars Descend on Vegas

“To Lynne and her air conditioning!” I gotta admit that this latest Vegas episode of Real Housewives of Orange County was a bit disappointing. We’ve had so many jaw-dropping, tense, and cringe-worthy installments that this one felt tame in comparison. First of all, the entire pre-Vegas portion of the show was a bit dull. I …

'American Idol' Auditions Finally End; Still No Star In Sight

Things are looking ever so slightly bleak for American Idol this season. We’ve visited eight cities, and while the emphasis this season has been on the positive (ie. the good singers), we’ve yet to really find a breakout star. For a show whose caché has taken a downward tick since the rise of Sanjaya, this …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: It's The Super Bowl of Food!

Top Chef switched things up last night by presenting the Top Chef Bowl (or something like that), which had previous contestants return to square off against this season’s crew head-to-head, with each paring of chefs having to create a meal in twenty minutes with the regional ingredients of various football teams. Anyone from this season …


Was The Real Housewives of Orange County ever this jaw-dropping? Once again, an episode has left me floored by the lack of manners and courtesy on display — but here’s the shocker: it wasn’t Vicki or Tamra exhibiting the offensive behavior. This time around, it was none other than Jeana’s kids Shane and to a lesser …

Joe Francis Gives B-Side Blog The Scoop On Kim Zolciak!

Last week, the Internets were aflutter that Joe Francis of Girls Gone Wild and Kim Zolciak of The Real Housewives of Atlanta were an item after the two were spotted at Sundance. This seemed like the most unlikely of pairings; so I asked Joe Francis myself if this was true. His response: “I am not …

BROMANCE PHOTOCAP: Nobody Gets Between Me and My BJs!

A shocking turn of events on Bromance! No, it’s not that Brody threw a hissy fit (albeit a fake one). It’s that Alex was eliminated, thus taking him out of the running to be America’s Next Top Sidekick. This was a surprise — at least to me — as Alex seemed like the one to beat. He …

Taking A Look At Our 2009 Miss America Contestants

Apparently Miss America 2009 will be crowned tonight, and to promote this wonderful occasion, glamour shots of all the competing women have been posted online. I thought I’d share these images with you and let you see the true personalities of the many beautiful ladies who shall be squaring off at some point tonight on …