HOUSEWIVES PHOTOCAP: A Fashion Show with Fashions!

Apparently there are only two things you can do in Atlanta: photo shoots and fashion shows. Well, last week on The Real Housewives of Atlanta, we got to see a photo shoot (one of those alter-ego thangs that are ALLLLL the rage!). This week, we got a fashion show. WITH fashions! What a revelation! Yes, …

TOP CHEF PHOTOCAP: Où est le bœuf?

Well, the cheftestants are still toiling out in the middle of Sin City, and in since I haven’t done a Top Chef photocap in a few weeks, let’s recap briefly what’s happened in the season so far. Basically, all the women have sucked except Jen; Ashley gets angry at anything and everything; the Voltaggio Brothers …

HOUSEWIVES PREVIEW: Don't Be Tardy To The Party, Sherayay!

The Real Housewives of Atlanta is on once again tonight, and it looks like we’ve got some petty drama coming our way. First, Sherayay arrives fashionably late to Lisa’s very own fashion show — so fashionably late that she misses the entire thing. Passive-aggression? Or a genuine mishap? I’m sure various squabbles shall reveal all. …

QUESTION FOR THE MASSES: Who Is The Worst 'Big Brother' House Guest of All Time?

It seems as though every season, Big Brother produces a villain (or three) so vile and loathsome, viewers can’t help but be consumed with frustration every time he or she appears on screen. Whether they’re spouting hateful language, indulging in self-pity, preening with self-righteousness, engaging in character assassination, or simply being awful, these people are …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: The One Where The Season Goes To Shit

Oh, the cruel fates of Big Brother. Not only did we see the lovable but dense Jeff exit the house last week, but we also had to endure the horrendous reign of Natalie (known alternatively as Gnat or NataLIE) in the house. This meant that for two episodes, we were exposed to her high-pitch, nails-on-a-chalkboard …

Who Did Michaela Watkins Piss Off At NBC?

Last week, news broke that Lorne Michaels had dropped Michaela Watkins and Casey Wilson from Saturday Night Live. Casey Wilson’s ouster was understandable. She never quite made an impression, and her acting skills were questionable. But Michaela Watkins? That’s the big question mark. Fans were already pegging her as the Next Big Thing. Her Arianna …

Ten Ways Sandra Lee Might Make You Barf Today

Sandra Lee certainly makes a lot of repulsive things, but her crowning achievements usually lie in the realm of dessert where her tacky confections often yield horrified faces across America. Well, conveniently, a blogger has compiled the top ten worst Sandra Lee desserts, and the list is a real doozy. Anyone who has followed Sandra …


Okay, The Rachel Zoe Project is really cracking me up. Everyone on the show speaks in such dire ways about seemingly every small detail in their life, it’s borderline comedy. Part of me wants to clamp earmuffs on so I don’t have to hear the ridiculous commentary on screen… and yet another part of me …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Battle of the Space Cadets

Okay, I’m not gonna write a whole big thing today about Big Brother except to say that it looks like Jeff’s hours are numbered, and Natalie is getting entirely too close to the big prize for it to be cool. The bratty girl has been getting on my every last nerve, and for those of …


Last night I stumbled upon The Rachel Zoe Project, which I had never watched nor ever really cared to watch, but given that there was nothing else on, and I needed some passing entertainment, I decided to give it a whirl. What I discovered was a thoroughly shallow show that was, oddly enough, difficult to …