BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Yew Know Wut, CBS? This Was A Great Turn Of Events

If there was ever an episode of Big Brother for Sheila fans, Sunday night’s was it. There was so much “SheBot” going on that my TV nearly exploded. It was one glorious moment after another, and oddly enough, some of it was actually quite heartwarming. To be honest, I thought some of the fun of …


As is always the case with the Big Brother live eviction episodes, CBS didn’t post the screen caps until Sunday evening, which meant I didn’t get around to doing the photocap until today. Complicating matters was that my Sunday afternoon wound up a bit more booze-fueled than usual. Needless to say, if I had tried …


Last night’s episode of Big Brother was great for one and only one reason: we got to see Sheila bark, “Yew know wut, Adam? Thank yew, THANK YEW!!” And yes, that was a quote verbatim. I probably watched that line over about three times in a row. As for the rest of the show, well, …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: What Were You Thinking, Bro?

Adam, Adam, Adam. What were you THINKING? Why is it always at this crucial stage of the game when someone does something absolutely idiotic and totally jeopardizes everything? Hurricane Howie season 6, anybody? Chicken George season 7, anybody? America voting Dustin off season 8, anybody? UGH. Of course, these are just noms. Nothing is sealed …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Better Late Than Never!

CBS dragged its feet on posting the screen shots from Wednesday’s eviction show, but at long last, they finally went up, which meant I could do the photocap. I momentarily considered simply skipping the episode and moving onto tonight’s drama, but then I realized that I simply could not let Josh’s awful exit go uncommented …

Yew Know Wut, CBS? It's Been Three Days, and We're Still Waiting, Owkaay?

Seriously, CBS needs to post its screen caps to Wednesday’s Big Brother episode pronto. I know the executives and webmasters have more important things to do like driving around in their B-M-DoubleYews, but the next installment is less than a day away! This could be a disaster! Yew know wut, CBS? Yew don’t owe me …

Yew Know Wut, CBS? Yew Don't Owe Me More Screen Shots, But Ya Kinda Dew!

The latest Big Brother episode was on Wednesday. It’s been over two days, and we still don’t have official screen caps, which means I can’t do a photocap. Don’t you understand, CBS? If you don’t post the pics, I’m gonna die inside. Die. DIE. In the meantime, y’all will have to wait a bit. Yew …