Since it’s been rather cold here in Los Angeles, hitting lows of about 68°, I felt it was imperative that I cook myself a hearty meal for dinner last night. Plus, it was the perfect opportunity to use my new food mill. The menu: red wine braised sausage over a celery root puree. Needless to …

THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 3 – A Sprout Grows In Los Angeles

While I’ve been on the East Coast, my dutiful friend Jash has been checking in on my apartment to ensure that no strange things happen in my absence, and lo and behold, what should he find? The first signs of life from my parsley plant! That’s right, the darned thing has started to sprout, and …

THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 2 – Coming Out Of The Dark

Last week, I kicked off a series of reports which will document my progress as an urban farmer growing parsley from my window sill. It was an auspicious start to what I hope will become the most popular blogging series of all time (kind of a sure thing, am I right, people?). Of course, should …

THE PARSLEY CHRONICLES: Chapter 1 — And So It Begins

This past weekend, I headed to the nearby Ikea in search of various household items for my new apartment, and because I’m somewhat clueless when it comes to discount Swedish design, I employed the dutiful help of my friend Jash, who happens to be an expert at all things decor related. Well, as we wended …

Halloween Time At B-Side Blog

Halloween is just around the corner, and this year, I’m proud to reveal my costume: a Price Is Right contestant. I’ve actually wanted to do this costume for quite some time. Initially, I had grandiose plans of gathering a group to portray a family on Family Feud, but I never was able to drum up …


As my Big Brother posts decline in frequency, an inversely proportionate amount of cooking entries seem to be popping up on my blog. Such is the case with this latest adventure in domesticity in which I endeavored to cook an entire Rosh Hashanah meal all by myself. Why did I take on this mammoth feat? …

ADVENTURES IN DOMESTICITY: Chocolate Cheesecake Edition

Last week, I brought you tales of Franco-Mexican fusion with my controversial brie quesadillas (with corn tortillas). Many close-minded people were shocked at the combination, and while not everyone can be as adventurous as I, surely there won’t be as much of a massive outcry about my chocolate cheesecake, which has been a tried and …