BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Yew Know Wut, CBS? This Was A Great Turn Of Events

If there was ever an episode of Big Brother for Sheila fans, Sunday night’s was it. There was so much “SheBot” going on that my TV nearly exploded. It was one glorious moment after another, and oddly enough, some of it was actually quite heartwarming. To be honest, I thought some of the fun of …


As is always the case with the Big Brother live eviction episodes, CBS didn’t post the screen caps until Sunday evening, which meant I didn’t get around to doing the photocap until today. Complicating matters was that my Sunday afternoon wound up a bit more booze-fueled than usual. Needless to say, if I had tried …

Kristen Wiig Sucks. Just Kidding. She's Awesome.

Kristen Wiig once again served up one of the more memorable moments on last night’s Saturday Night Live with her new character, Judy Grimes, a nervous “Weekend Update” travel writer. It can never be as great as last week’s revelation — Sue, the surprise party enthusiast — but as always, Kristen Wiig provided some of …

Celine Dion Finds New Ways To Sound Like A Computer

Hello. Celine Dion here. Celine Dion really is hilarious. I respect what she’s doing in this video (charity and whatnot), but I can’t help simultaneously laughing at her voice, which sounds something like a Québécois version of one of those computerized Mac voices. Each time I hear her say “the most… heartbreaking… staTISTic,” I let …


Gosh, there was so much American Idol this week, and very little of it was actually any good. Quite frankly, I’m a bit exhausted from it all, and I haven’t even seen the results show yet (although, I know who was ejected). I’m gonna work on a little wrap up this morning, but while you …

'30 Rock' is Back!

Tonight at 8:30 PM, NBC Don’t forget to set your Tivos tonight. The best comedy on television is finally back! If you don’t watch this show, now is a perfect time to start. But don’t take my word for it. Just watch the clip above.

Food Disposal 1, Spoon 0

Sad. A few nights ago, an innocent little spoon fell undetected into the dark abyss that is my In-Sink-Erator, soon become the latest victim to the monster’s gnawing teeth. Yes, this wayward piece of flatware endured an unceremonious demise as I flipped on the food disposal switch and heard all too late the loud clattering …