BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Time Zones, They Are A Changin'!

Sunday’s episode of Big Brother was fairly tame, especially now that all warring factions of the house have been excised. With just five people left, the remaining house guests seemed intent on only one goal: ousting Jerry. Unfortunately for them, he won Head of Household after physics, karma, and cosmic justice conspired to screw Dan …

BEEP BEEP!!! Jerry Falls In The Pool!

I love slapstick, especially when it involves old people falling over. That’s where Jerry from Big Brother 10 comes into play. Earlier today, he fell into the backyard pool when trying to read a banner overhead. Don’t worry — he was fine. My pants after I pissed them? Not so much. (Don’t worry, I didn’t …

SWEET SASSY MOLASSY: Sarah Palin Does The Sports Report!

Long before she was a presumptive vice presidential nominee, and long before she was the governor of her state, Sarah Palin (née Heath) was a sportscaster for Channel 2 Sports in Alaska, and thanks to the magic of the YouTubes, we have four minutes of her doing her thang. To be fair, this video isn’t …

My Favorite Sarah Palin Photos

Take one part Megan Mullally, one part Mariska Hargitay, add a dash of Tina Fey, and dress it all up in some JC Penney, and you have Governor Sarah Palin, the newest face in the 2008 Presidential Elections. Tapped to serve as John McCain’s vice presidential running mate, Ms. Palin is a stranger to a …

Liveblogging Obama's Speech – Updated!

“I’m OUT OF THIS WORLD!” Tonight, I tried to do my civic duty by tuning into Barack Obama’s speech at the Democratic National Convention. Unfortunately, about five minutes into it, he referenced the seminal ’70s television show, Eight is Enough, and that just totally distracted me. The rest of the time I couldn’t help but …

LIKE OMG! Partial 'Gossip Girl' Script Leaked to the Internets!

Tri-Delt and Psi-U, here they come! SPOTTED: white hot television show’s script floating around the Internets! It’s inevitable that a show about leaking things to the blogosphere would itself get leaked to the blogosphere. Case in point: a few pages from an upcoming Gossip Girl episode have surfaced over at Gawker. They don’t reveal much, …

Keesha From 'Big Brother' Screams, Bares Breasts

And the award for Best Supporting Actress in a straight-to-DVD horror film goes to… Keesha Smith from Big Brother 10. In this clip, we see Keesha’s star-making turn in the gripping feature, FEAR CHAMBER (the caps are mine, not theirs). She doesn’t do much beyond scream (clearly not a stretch for her), but she does …

BIG BROTHER PHOTOCAP: Puzzling Developments in the 'Big Brother' Galaxy

As anyone who follows the Big Brother feeds knows, Tuesday’s episode was the calm before the storm. Thanks to Dan, who bizarrely tried to create chaos with his Veto Roulette (or whatever he called it), the entire house is now poised for a meltdown. Whether it works in Dan’s favor may be another issue. I …

SIX '80s Exercise-Themed Videos That Are Better Than Heidi's

Heidi Montag’s latest stab at musical legitimacy has been to release a tongue-in-cheek, ’80s aerobics-themed music video for her latest single, “Overdosin’.” The idea seems smart — put something out there that isn’t too serious, thus nipping all the criticism in the bud — but the truth is that it still sucks. The song is …