HILLS RECAP: Audrina Puts The Ho in Ho-waii!

If it’s smelling particularly floral around this blog of late, that’s because I just took a vicarious trip to Hawaii with the likes of LC, Brody, Audrina, and a whole host of transmittable diseases, courtesy of The Hills. Yes, it was time for The Brodester and his posse of lickspittles to embark on their bros-only …

HAMMER TIME: Angry Momma Engages In Mild Cussing

Cursing for cursing sake isn’t inherently funny. But cursing because you want to beat your son’s head in with a hammer, well, that’s surprisingly funny. You wouldn’t think it would be funny as filicide is no laughing matter, but as the clip above demonstrates, it can be actually be quite chuckle-worthy. Enjoy as one enraged …

Errant Scone Prompts Seagull Feeding Frenzy

A few months ago, I witnessed a seagull carrying a bagel around in its mouth — an image that proved to be so endlessly entertaining to me that I whipped out my camera and documented the entire experience. Things have been pretty quiet on the bird front since then, but yesterday, the wing’d ones returned …

AMAZING RACE RECAP: Foot Massages and Water Sports

Anyone who blocked out a few hours of time last night to watch The Amazing Race and The Celebrity Apprentice were thoroughly rewarded with a boatload of drama, comedy, and generally fun times. Plus, we got two cliffhangers that both made me want to go run screaming through the streets had I not already locked …

Bethenny and Kelly Go At It Again

It’s a bit overcast and gloomy here in Los Angeles today, but I’m feeling quite sunny as I know tomorrow brings a second battle between Kelly Bensimon and Bethenny Frankel on The Real Housewives of New York City. In the above clip, we get a brief preview of their fight, and needless to say, it’s …